
If you’re listening to this podcast, you’re committed to building your dream life and business as a real estate investor. You’re learning from the best in the field, constantly getting more knowledge and working on closing more deals. But all of this is meaningless if you “die” along the way and ruin your business. And

When you look at experts in any field, it looks like everything they touch turns into gold. And it might even make you feel inferior when you’re not getting the same results they’re getting. The truth is that even experts in their fields are wrong. The difference lies in how they deal with being wrong.

When you live in a smaller town, you might envy big investors in Houston, Los Angeles or Dallas. After all, they’ve got more potential deals, right? It might feel like there are no deals for you and that your market is too small to become a successful investor. Today’s guest Blaine Dartez will show you

10x Your Real Estate Marketing Using the ‘PBR’ Method

10x Your Real Estate Marketing Using the ‘PBR’ Method    Simple, watered down, yet strangely effective. The first step to scaling & succeeding in digital lead generation as a real estate investor is to crack the fundamentals. The ‘PBR’ method is a simple, holistic approach I introduce all of my clients to – it’s the

The Secret to Success In Real Estate - Imperfect Action

Some of you may already know, but for those of you who don’t, we recently launched a new program. We are calling it the Search-Click-Convert Bootcamp. The goal is to have at least eighty percent of the people in the program set up and start running their google ads by the end of the first