
Episode #204 – Walkable Communities, Emerging Trends and More with Edie Weintraub

The real estate cycle, just like everything else, has ebbs and flows.

The difference between the successful real estate investors from the amateurs is that they know how to get in front of the flow curve to maximize their profits.

If you want to set yourself up for success, you need to pay attention to these trends and prepare yourself before your competitors do.

In this episode, Edie Weintraub of Terra Alma, joins us to discuss trends in development that will set your real estate portfolio up for success to capitalize on profits. Noticing these trends will bring in a period of cash flow before your competitors catch on.

Listen now.

Show highlights include:

  • How to build a real estate company that thrives even after you are gone ([3:00])
  • Two key dominos to choose a specific niche in the real estate market (even if you are totally clueless) ([8:15])
  • A secret technique to get any company to hire you (without having any experience) ([10:30])
  • Two types of learning techniques used by ultra-successful entrepreneurs to build high performing companies ([13:15])
  • The “Hair Stylist” secret to build strong relationships to create lucrative opportunities ([20:00])
  • How to position yourself for growth curves markets (before your competitors get in on the action) ([24:00])

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You're listening to the REI marketing nerds podcast, the leading resource for real estate investors who want to dominate their market online. Dan Barrett is the founder of AdWords nerds, a high-tech digital agency focusing exclusively on helping real estate investors like you get more leads and deals online, outsmart your competition and live a freer, more awesome life. And now, your host, Dan Barrett

(0:39) All right. Hello, everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of the REI marketing nerds podcast. As always, this is Daniel Barrett here from AdWords nerds.com. And look, I've said this a million times you've heard me say this before. If you need leads online for your real estate investing business, that is what we do over at AdWords nerds.com. You can jump on a call with someone from our team and they will help you put together a marketing strategy for your market. Okay, so now this week, I've got a really fun interview this week a little bit different from what we usually talk about. So I am talking to Ed Weintraub from Terra alma.com. That's two R's in there. So te R R A alma.com. And we do get in in the interview we do talk about where that name comes from. But Edie is such a fun and fascinating interview. No, Tara Alma is a woman owned boutique real estate advisory that is Building Community Through thoughtful connectivity of local, emerging and inspiring brands. We talk about all sorts of things from how real estate investors can help to drive the development of walkable communities where we live where they live, we talk about upcoming trends in the commercial and retail and restaurant space. We talk about eat his favorite things about Atlanta, her sort of home market, and we talk about the best meals Edie has had in the last year. She is a diehard foodie, you are not going to want to miss this one. So without any further ado, let's get into my interview with Ed Weintraub. What's up everybody? This is Daniel berry from AdWords nerds. And I am here with Ed Weintraub from Tara alma.com. Edie, welcome to the show. Thank

(2:26) You so much for being thank you so much for having me. All right. So Tara Alma. So this is T E R, R A, alm, a? Yes. This is like Earth, Alma. So I want to ask where the name came from. And then we can dig a little bit into who you are and what you do within the real estate space. But I've got to ask you about this name. Because I will say that a lot of investors, a lot of real estate professionals on the show might be the coolest business name might be it's up there, I think it's still easily top five. So where did the name come from?

(3:00) Great question. Thank you for asking. And it was something I toyed with for quite a while I was trying to understand, you know, where does one name accompany? Right? It's kind of like those big questions like when you name your children? I mean, are you confident? Are you happy? Oftentimes, we lean on, you know, our ancestors to inspire us. So I knew that I did not want a company named after me. If you look across the commercial real estate board, you see that the majority of companies are named after the owners, and you know, individuals and I wanted something that could live beyond me. It's my hope. And I also wanted it to be 10 characters or less, because inevitably, people are going to have long last names, ie me. And I didn't want the end of the website to be too long. So I wanted to make it 10 characters or less. And so I dove deep into trying to figure out what would inspire not only my team, but also our clients to work with us. And I want it to be something that resonated with how we like to do business. So Terra is dirt in Italian or ground or grounded. And Alma is Spanish for soul. So feel like we're working in the dirt, we're working in real estate, and then we're everything that we do, we're putting a piece of our soul into it. So we often find ourselves as more consultants rather than simply real estate brokers. So we wouldn't take on a client that we don't have absolute absolute confidence that we're going to be successful for them.

(4:27) I'm so glad that I asked that question because I was like, it's sort of like a shot in the dark. I didn't know the answer. Right. So it was like, we were gonna be like, Oh, that's my middle name or something, you know, I mean, but I love the idea of wanting it to live beyond you, right, and sort of creating a business that that even in a broader way, right isn't solely focused on the power of personality of you, right as the founder, or as the sort of core mover. So let's talk about what you do at Terra Alma today, um, because it's a really interesting business model that I think is really cool. So walk people through what what the business is Oba

(5:00) absolutely so I've been in force relates to real estate space for about 20 years and been with some pretty big name companies when I first started, one was specifically retail only the other one was a global real estate firm. And so as I crafted what we wanted to do differently at Terrell OMA, we stayed in the path of solely retail. Yeah, we'll pick up a listing that's a former restaurant here and there, even though it appears to be land, it's structured as a restaurant. But we've got two different paths that we work in one, we've got our tenant rep group, and that team works with restaurant tours, entertainment facilities, working on behalf of the tenants, and help them to strategize the market entry, understanding how many locations we could possibly open, and then working backwards strategically and shipping off one at a time. So that way, we've got one Rockstar, and then come back in and fill in with a second location. And that through mapping data analytics, and me we do a huge deep dive into our clients business to make sure that we understand who they are, and that we are finding sites in the southeast for them to expand and be successful. The other side of our business is our team consults with developers in the real estate space. So folks that are doing Urban Development's downtown Main Street, we've got a lot of rail lines in Atlanta, and you're seeing those communities reimagined and come back to life. Maybe not so much with the booker the the, the the shoe cobbler, the library, the butcher, the cheese monger, but restaurants nonetheless, and then adaptive reuse. So when we consult with a developer, we're helping them to strategize the retail and restaurant space, because what we find, especially because we're continuing to run out of housing, so as we build more housing, local municipalities are pushing for developers to add retail restaurant at the base of their building. So that way, it serves the community above. So we're consulting early on with those developers to make sure that they're designing the spaces that can house and has the infrastructure for those restaurants. But then also thinking through in advance as we come in as a new development in that market. We're very attentive to be that owners advocates in speaking with the community to make sure that they don't feel as though there's a big bad developer coming in and displacing people, we really want to cultivate the energy community that's already there. So we do a big deep dive with ownership. Well, in anticipation of any shovels going in the ground?

(7:32) Yeah, I think one of the things that made me really excited to sort of have this conversation is we share a real interest in sort of finding these kinds of unique and emerging areas in local communities and sort of seeing what happens there. So there's so much I want to get to before we dive into that part of your life, actually want to go back a little bit and talk about your background. It's my understanding that you actually started by getting a degree in biology. Is that the case? Yes, I mean, it's important to study people and science. So I actually thought I worked for my dentist all throughout high school, and even for an orthodontist, and all throughout college, it's great way to pay for the education. But I realized very quickly that when I was about to apply to dental school, that it really wasn't so much that I wanted to be a dentist. So I just happen to like science. And you know, actually, as I got my bio degree, I fought in school to say, hey, you know, dentists don't know marketing, they don't know business. So I was able to add a couple of those classes, management to my studies. But I quickly realized that didn't want to be a dentist. I like people too much. I like talking to them too much that being a dentist, made me feel like I couldn't be as social as I would have liked. So at that point, I kind of sat back and reflected and said, Okay, you know, like people like being out and about and very independent, what should I do? So I thought about getting my law degree. And before I did that, before I spent the time, the money, the energy, going to law school, I got my paralegal certification, and had a little bit of exposure to trademarks, patents, copyrights, some really, really smart people. And I realized it was all paperwork, and I missed people. And I switched over into medical malpractice and family law where I found that people are just mean, and I like happy people.

(9:26) Yeah, not the chair. Yes. The industry so be my take. Yeah, so my father has always been in land assemblage and development himself specifically in residential. And he saw that, you know, I was still kind of searching. So he said, Edie, you know, I know that you've kind of made this path. You've done a great job. I'm really proud of you but really think that you should come work with me and see what this real estate space is all about. So I got my license. I did a part time then full time and quickly realized that while I loved real estate, I love the Independence I have a very strong Work ethic having grown up in New Jersey, and I just did not like the emotional part of residential real estate, what the wife wants, what the husband wants, what they can afford, what's on the market, you know, trying to put all those pieces together with the emotion just was, you know, I couldn't, I couldn't solve all those problems at once. So I stopped a company for about a year and a half, had a warm introduction to them saw their signs everywhere, the time before they rebranded it was pink, yellow, and orange. And I said, well, that's kind of like female friendly, I'm gonna give them a call and, again, had a connection there. And I stalked them for about a year and a half knocked on their door emails, phone calls, let me take you out for coffee. I want to work here. And so finally they said, Okay, Ed, we get it. You're tenacious, you don't give up we need to bring you in and teach you the business. So I was there became a partner for 11 years and knock up my own company. So it's been a fun ride.

(10:57) I find that story so awesome, because, you know, it strikes me right. Like it's the sort of one of the the last big myths of our culture is that as a kid, you decide what you want to be when you grow up, and then you go do that thing, right? It's like, that's really like your story, I think, is most people's stories where you bounce from thing to thing. Now, I'm really curious. And I always ask this, right, because I'm really fascinated by people who are today doing something that was very different from what they went to school for. And one of the questions I always have about that is, is there anything that you took into your current life from your studies of biology or like you said, you're a kid that just you really like science, right? Do you find like, there's mental models or even an approach to things that you carry over from one thing to the other? Are there corollaries? Are there connections? What do you think?

(11:49) That's a great question. I think, innately I'm just extremely curious. I'm the kid that had, you know, five different groups of friends and to not make any of them feel as as a high schooler, and to not make any of them feel like I was spending more time with the than that group than the other, I have a good the library for lunch, and I would get an assignment. And I'd be like, I'm jumping in jumping in, right now, I want to get this done. Because if I changed my mind, and I want to go in a different direction, I want to make sure I've got that time. So you know, kind of leaning back on biology, I took, you know, two semesters of Mandarin, I took Asian philosophy, I took, you know, psychology, you know, classes that didn't necessarily need to for a biology degree. But, you know, I just really love school. I made it through COVID By reading over 40 books in 2020, and in 2021. So, I'm just like to soak up the knowledge. So I think with that, and just being a super curious individual, and having folks jump in my car, and all that we might have in common from the very beginning is that there are new clients, and they've got a restaurant, they want to expand. But what I really love is that oftentimes it turns into a therapy chair, and I'm learning so much about every one that's in my car, that that's really the excitement for me is yeah, of course, I want to get them open and be in a beautiful space and Come Dine at the restaurant, but I'm so enamored, like you with people's stories.

(13:14) Yeah, yeah, it strikes me that, you know, and I can't remember exactly where I learned this trip, there's like two types of learning, right? Particularly among people who are really successful, right, you have aI learning, which goes deep into a particular field, right? You have this deep knowledge of the real estate world, we've been doing it forever. But there's also T learning, which is sort of across the top right, you have a little bit of knowledge from all these different fields. And it strikes me that like, that's a very common pattern among successful people, that they connect all these different ideas from different worlds. And it just strikes me that it's kind of uniquely situated to what you do today. Because one of the strengths they are I think one of the thing that really differentiates you, and differentiates, Terrell Alma, from a lot of the different sort of companies in your field is that you, you seem to really have your finger on the pulse of emerging brands, right? It's sort of this sense of like, what makes this kind of emerging, sort of ideal of like a walkable community, like you said, there's a building that's serving the people the top by having something at the bottom, you really seem to connect it to something there. So can you tell me, and I'll preface it, I'll preface this with a story right? What am I somebody that works with me? This guy, Jason, who is sort of a critical part of my team and has been for a long time, you know, we were talking about Halloween and he was saying, Oh, we did a trunk or treat, right? So they did the whole trunk or treat thing, which is, you know, you everybody brings their cars to a parking lot. You decorate your trunks or the back of your cars or whatever. And then the kids walk around and basically trick or treat in the parking lot of people's cars, right, and that's a trunk or treat, and I was telling that story to somebody else. And they said you know, that's because we've all just gotten used to an American not having walkable community, right, like you just can't walk around where you live and We all just accept that. So I'm fascinated by this idea of walkable communities in but and I know that's something that you care about. But I don't really know a lot about the history of that idea or whether we're getting more of those or less of those. Can you talk a little bit about that idea of the walkable community and how that connects to the work that you do?

(15:18) Absolutely. I'm passionate about creating more 15 minute cities. So 15 minutes city, I can't remember exactly who coined the term. But I'll liken it back to Jane Jacobs, who fought off, you know, Mr. Moses in New York City and putting all these highways through Manhattan. And, you know, she just saw gathering spaces that happened organically and said, you know, you can't break this up because you're killing the fabric of our community. So you know, our ethos is and to, you know, the name to Terrell online, bringing people together gathering spaces and creating walkable communities, I feel post COVID, everybody had a chance to not have to travel and not be in their cars, and hopefully had an opportunity to get to know their neighbors and their community and maybe, you know, be outside and walk a little bit more. So I feel that it's unfortunate that we didn't take early inspiration from our European counterparts, and create denser cities, because you know, we invented the car in the US. So a world in the US, the communities were built for cars, there is a very strong conversation happening in the southeast about mass transit and bike lanes and trying to create those walkable communities. Because I feel more and more people don't want to spend time in their car driving to work, driving to the grocery store, I mean, it's a better quality of life. And you can get out and walk bike, whether that's an electric bike or a regular bike, and you're exercising whatever it is just to get you to kind of recenter in your community. So my partner and I actually just recently attended a conference that Jim Hyde out of California put together for small developers. And these are folks who, you know, don't have, you know, big deep pockets, they're putting together projects that they are truly passionate about. And so to be in a room full of them, of 70 people last week, we toured downtown Nashville and looked at a couple of projects that are very much in line with this small development. And everyone also had a chance to talk about what they were doing. And so it was a very energizing experience, and so much so my partner, I drove back the four hours from Nashville, we looked at each other. And we said, Yeah, we need to do this. And it's something we've been talking about for a while. But I think, you know, jumping in is something that we just need to go for. So we've cultivated relationships with a lot of folks and economic developments in these more tertiary markets of Atlanta and Charlotte, that there might be opportunity for us to take down one or two or three buildings and renovate them, maybe put some apartments upstairs or offices and then put restaurants that truly speak to the community, there might be a sous chef that's working for someone else that has always dreamed of having their own space. And to give them the platform to do that. put smiles on their faces.

(18:09) Let's find motivated seller leads online but don't know where to start. Download our FREE motivated seller keyword report today, AdWords nerds have spent over $5 million this year researching the most profitable keywords for finding motivated seller leads. And you can grab these exact keywords when you download our report at www dot AdWords nerds.com/keywords.So if you were going to sit down with a real estate investor that is maybe interested in encouraging this recreation, this kind of community, right? Because it's it's an interesting problem, right? Like you there are a lot of sort of top down artificially designed communities that people set up, they don't go anywhere, because they don't actually serve the people that are supposed to do it. Right. Like it's sort of like to planned. And then on the flip side, if you have no planning at all right, it's very hard to predict where things are gonna go. So if you're going to sit down with a real estate investor that's interested in encouraging this kind of community building or this kind of development, where would you suggest that they start? Is there like a particular place that they look in terms of where they want to invest as a certain type of investment? Like, what advice would you give to them if they'd like to be a part of?

(19:31) Yeah, no, it's a great question, too. Because I think more and more, I mean, I think we're all looking for personal satisfaction, and I think to come in and, you know, plunked down at grocery anchored center with the normal shop space that goes next to it that's got a massive sea of parking. You know, that's not what we need and in town environment. I think the challenging part is making those connections with the folks at the local community that and those things take time and so we got one now actually, we're we just met The owner developer, and you know, their story to us was, we need your help, because you know, all of these business owners and restaurant tours, that we need to leverage your relationships to come in here to say, Hey, guys, we want to hear you with the community. What do you want to what did you as what do you as business owners want? What are you missing? I mean, you want to keep that authenticity of that community consistent. You don't want to come in and shake things up and put a, you know, a Chipotle where no national brands exist. And so there's that balance. And I think it takes, you know, the rights owners to realize, you know, I've got to build my team, I've got to do this in the right way. And unfortunately, those things take time. So a first start for us is always with economic development. Anytime we take on a new project, we go and meet with the folks that economic development, the city manager, we go and talk with all the restaurants in the community, all the retailers, I mean, you'd be amazed at how many voices a hairstylist hears, because they are but connection to the community. And really leveraging and leaning into those relationships can tell you so much. In fact, I called a listing agent one time on a piece of property that a restaurant was open and operating. And I said, Stephanie, I have a client that wants the space, and she knows what's not available, the restaurants open and operating. And I said, Well, I know, you probably don't know yet, your owner probably doesn't know yet. But that restaurant is going to be closing in the next 30 days. And I want it for my clients. So I'm gonna send you my offer. And you just get back to me when they officially let you know. And she goes, Well, how do you know this information? And I said, I can't of course tell you all my secrets. But it's really important for me being in the food and beverage space. I go talk with bartenders, I talk to servers, how's business what's going on what's new and exciting? Because after they are, you know, done taking care of have you and I were dining there. They're all getting together. And they're socializing, and they're talking. So they're the best, you know, means of information. And they tell me all the things that I need to in order then to go back and help my client be ahead of the curve and realizing a space is coming available.

(22:14) Fred story, he reminds me of like, you know, like Sherlock Holmes just got like the Baker Street or regulars are always like telling him like, it's all the news, the newspaper guys and all this stuff like Tiger to tell him everything. Okay, so let's bring this specific, because we've been talking about sort of high level stuff. The thing about the hairstylist is like the best thing ever. And you're actually making me if people can't see me right now I have zero hair, you're making me want to like go get my hair cut somewhere. So I can have this connection to my community, which is really amazing. Maybe a waste of money. But I will say, I want to ask about specifically your home turf. So I know that a terror All right, you guys kind of live and breathe Atlanta, the Atlanta region, the sort of communities that are out there. So let's get down to the ground level. Like, how is this shaking out in Atlanta? Right. So if you look at the Atlanta market right now, is it headed in this direction? Is it not? What are the sort of forces at play that are that are sort of determining what you see happening in the Atlanta market?

(23:13) As you're saying from a walkable community standpoint, or emerging brands? Sure. Yeah, you could, you could take it there. Or you could take it in any direction that you want to go, but kind of what do you what do you see happening there? Because it's very, I will say, from my point of view, right, as someone who works with investors every day, Atlanta has been historically not one of the most competitive markets. And over the last few years, it's become extremely competitive. Right. So I'm curious, from your perspective, what you see happening there? Yeah, absolutely.

(23:39) We're seeing a significant growth of student housing of multifamily of investment not only for folks already in the southeast, but outside of the southeast, I think host COVID. Everyone said, You know what, let's go to where the Sunbelt, is let's go where the states are open. Let's go you know, we're growth is happening. And so Atlanta, I think, even post the Olympics, I think the Olympics really even in 96 Put a huge spotlight on Atlanta, in fact, put me in my family moved from New Jersey to Atlanta and posts you know, what, 98 My father said, Okay, Ed, you know, there's two months more of fall, there's two less of winter, come join the party. And I you know, being from the northeast, I had this worldview that everything revolved around New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and I in retrospect and so happy to have been pulled here by my family because I feel like there's so much opportunity. Yes, of course, the sun shines about 11 months of the year, but it does get hot in the summer. I think quality of life cost of living, you know, we're a little bit far to the beach, but the mountains are beautiful and Chattahoochee River, I think deserves a little bit more attention than it has been given. But from a development standpoint, I think you know, the state is overall as well as the city is very development friendly. And there's a lot of opportunity here especially in you know, residential, multifamily, industrial, as we know, across the board has been on fire everywhere. But I do see significant opportunity for more retail, which is, which is my favorite space, because that's really the soul of any developments. I mean, I had the opportunity to look at doing industrial myself and I said, once you see one warehouse, they all look the same. I want to be like, The Little Mermaid I want to be with the people are right, I want to see them dancing, I want to see them having a good time, I want to be, you know, part of the team that that helps cultivate the reason that they're gathering?

(25:38) Well, that is a perfect segue, you literally could not have lined that up any better. So I appreciate that. It's like you're reading my notes as we're going through it. So I'm a little suspicious, whether your network of spies of certain telling you what I was going to ask about, but I would be remiss if I didn't ask you about for someone who seems to really have like I said before your finger on the pulse of emerging trends, emerging brands in the restaurant space in the retail space, what do you see as the things to look out for over the next, let's say, 235 years? Like what are the emerging trends that you see in those spaces that will get you excited? You don't have to predict like what's going to make the most money, but what are you most excited about in? Let's say, the restaurant space or the retail space?

(26:22) Absolutely. And so I feel like we've had this surge over the years of makeup, right supermarkets, big bookstores, you know, things getting oversized, and I think that as we've seen over the last probably five years or so, folks are trying to like reset that square footage a little bit. And I love that because that opens up space for more unique operators. Right. So I'd love to see the return of the local bookstore, I'd love to see the return of a corner market where it fills in the holes respectfully because as much as we love Publix, Kroger, Whole Foods, I mean, they need a certain size box. And if they don't have a certain size box, they're not going to do it. So I think the trend to be paying attention to not only for food and beverage, but also for retail is how can you make things small, because specifically for restaurants, if you have a 1500 or 2000 square foot space, it's so much easier to make it feel busy, rather than a 6000 square foot space that had the same amount of people in it but feels empty. And so I think that the smarter move and the way that it allows restaurants to be more successful faster is to try to stay small, and then fill in where you've got holes in the market. I mean, you might find with one space that you're pulling folks from the northeast, when you thought you were pulling them from the southwest. And then that allows you to say, Okay, we're here. But now that we see we have so many clients up here, we're going to open another one up there. So I think that the new trend, right, like small is the New Black.

(28:00) Wow. Oh, small is the New Black. I like that. Write that one down. That's amazing. I do think it's interesting that you say that, because I've never really thought about it. But there does seem to be more. I don't even want to say small business. But it's more like right size business, right? Where it's not necessarily massive. And I do think there's a real, a real desire for people to feel like the thing, whether that's the bookstore example that you used, or, you know, whatever it is, was curated by a person. And maybe it's just because we're so used to being, you know, dictated to by algorithms, or by these giant box stores where it's like one size fits all, but the idea of like going to a bookstore and saying, Hey, here's what I like, can you recommend something and getting a really customized recommendation, I think is is so powerful and cool. All right. Well, I have to ask you about this. And I know we're coming up on time, I don't want to keep you super super long. But I have to ask you a couple selfish questions. You and I share something which is that we are both foodies. We both like food a lot. You've already talked about food a lot. You're living my dream life. Essentially, you're making me want to get into commercial real estate, which is not a thing I ever thought I would say my entire life. I want to ask you two questions. Okay. So the first I'm going to ask you, I'm going to ask them both at the same time, you can answer them in any order, because there might be overlap, maybe not. The first question I'm going to ask you is what was the best meal you had in the last year? And then the second question is, assume I am coming to Atlanta. I don't think I've ever been to Atlanta, I really want to go if I'm coming to Atlanta, what's something I need to eat in Atlanta that I'm not going to get somewhere else. So best meal you've had in the last year and I'm coming to Atlanta, what do I have to eat that sort of speaks to what Atlanta is as a city does the best meal I've had in the last year have to be in Atlanta, it could be anywhere in the desert. It could be anywhere it can be anywhere there might be there can be overlap, but those are separate

(29:53) Questions. Beautiful. Okay, so a must a must try for any visitors to Atlanta. We've Got a restaurant. And I think you know, it's a little bit challenging because you're not here contiguously but regardless, anytime you go there, it's gonna be phenomenal experience. So there's a restaurant in Midtown called the consulate. And when I hear the consulates I think about, you know, embassy passport to travel. And I was so blown away the first time I ever walked into this restaurant. And it's it's under script, right? It's not on, you know, it's on a, it's on a good streets across the street from a Marta station, which is our mass transit, but it's tucked away off the street. So at one point in time, it was like just a big apple cafe was just a lunch spot that served the offices that surrounded it was open from 11 to two, well, this group came in they they completely gutted it, they renovated it, it's called the consulate, because as part of your experience, you feel like you're transported. So every 90 days, a portion of the menu changes. So I have been there now for probably eight spin parties. So every quarter, they spin the globe, and you get to travel to a different country. So I can't remember exactly what they're on right now. But let's say Venezuela, so part of the menu is Venezuelan. The other side of the menu is the resident. So those are the dishes that were very popular that people liked that stayed on the menu. And so even if you can't travel, you get to travel through food with this team. And it's Douglas Hines and Chef Lin. And they're the most amazing hosts. So if you tend to spin party, you get raffle tickets. And if your raffle ticket is chosen, and you've been you're the lucky winner, you get to spin the globe, if you land in the water, the US or a country that they've been to before you spin again. And so they have this big map on the room, I like to call the library, and there's pins on the wall as to where they've already visited. So what's fascinating to me is that the chef, you know, has 90 days to study in this new country. And she is phenomenal. And executes every time and what's so, so beautiful about it is they did Brazil I think one time and you without a doubt every single you know Brazilian was in that restaurant, right? So see it she was like executing on the quality and the ingredients and the flavor profile. And I'm just I'm continually blown away at how how phenomenal she does. So that is a much try. It's called the consulate. It's in Midtown. And from a design perspective, you walk in and you feel like you've walked into a James Bond scene. I mean, it's like, rich, like deep blue and like plush velvet. I mean, I could go on but phenomenal, highly recommend best meal I've had this year, I think I had the privilege of taking my family on a European trip. Yeah. And you know, you can't go to Europe without going to Italy. And so the first meal that we had, and unfortunately, we did not get dressed up. We're pretty scrappy travelers and we like to be comfortable. And we had dinner at a at a vineyard in Tuscany in Italy. And my boys, I've got two boys 10 and 12. And they said, Oh man, this olive oil is amazing. Where did it come from? And the server points outside and says, Oh, well, the Oh my olive groves. Yeah. And the bread and the pasta. I mean, it was it was an expensive meal. But to have the experience of knowing that it came from just outside the the walls was just so majestic.

(33:23) I cannot see you could see how much I'm smiling. Like I'm just enjoying this story so much. What was traveling with your boys like my kids are six and eight. I really one of my big goals is for us to take international trips. As a family. I really want them to have that experience. What was it like traveling with? Did you guys traveled together a lot? Was that a new thing for you guys? Yeah, our role is you know, we we're not going to buy you stuff. We're gonna get you what you need for school and for sports and whatever it may be, but you're not getting junk. We are very big on travel, we want to make sure that they realize that the world does not revolve around them. There's so many other things to explore. So yeah, it was phenomenal traveling with them. In fact, we took them to Southeast Asia we have some family there in December of 19. And you know, I've you know, had a chance to eat Korean and Malaysian and tie in, you know, different kinds of food but I wanted to set the tone and said guys, you have to be very respectful. We're just going to eat whatever you know is there and you know, you don't have to opt in again if you don't like it, but you have to try it all and they were phenomenal. And quickly I realized that they wanted to turn Buddhist in Thailand but there are worse things in the world.

(34:36) Yeah, you know, of all the things saying your key your kids being like, Hey, I'm joining you know, blank. That's that's up there with the most positive I would say Well, Ed Weintraub, this has been so much fun. I think you bring such a unique take to what you do. I think your ability to like I said, just really put your finger on the pulse of what is happening. Trying to find these like really powerful local development opportunities. I think it is absolutely amazing. So the website is Tara alma.com. So T E R R. A ALM a.com. Tara alma.com Is there anywhere and like do you do social medias or anywhere? Repeat you want people to look you up or find you online? Oh yes, of course. So my, my instagram handle is Edie everywhere. I mean, I feel like that's an easy moniker. It's good. But it also

(35:29) that's such a good one. That's a very good. That's a very good social media handle. Also not something I get this. So again, I mentioned the beginning, right? It's hard to find a real estate company with a really great name. And you have a really great Instagram handle. And usually the Instagram handles are really boring. So you're like really firing on all cylinders with the naming so far. I really liked that. So Edie everywhere that's an Instagram. That's correct. All right. Cool. Amazing. So I'll have links to all of the the stuff obviously that works nerds.com/podcast But Edie everywhere that's EDI e Ed everywhere on Instagram or go to Tara alma.com. Ed Weintraub, thank you so much. This was a real treat for me. I really appreciate it. I'm so grateful. Thank you for having me. That is it. That's it for our interview this week. I hope you enjoyed it. I know I did. I took down a bunch of recommendations from Ed. And I hope you did as well as always, we will have the links and everything that we talked about in the show notes for this episode. You can get those at AdWords nerds.com/podcast. And as always, if you can leave us a review, I really appreciate it helps other people find the show and I read every single one. I will see you next week. I hope you're having a good one.

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