
Episode #220 – From Oil Filed To Real Estate Success with TJ Ainsborough

Some people are dealt a bad hand in life when it comes to money. When your parents don’t understand money, they brainwash you with their beliefs, and cause you to repeat the same money mistakes they made.

Worst part?

Most don’t make it out of this “generational curse”.

However, you as the black sheep in the family usually find a way to break the generational curse and become a millionaire.

It’s been shown throughout history that most millionaires—and even billionaires start out with absolutely nothing.

In this episode, TJ Ainsborough, joins us to discuss how he went from having absolutely nothing and working a physically draining job in the oil field, to becoming a millionaire real estate investor.

Listen Now!

Show highlights include:

  • The “Pokemon Strategy” for investing in real estate and unlocking maximum gains on each sale ([4:43])
  • The weird way being laid off can actually unlock an avalanche of real estate fortunes (even if everything seems hopeless right now) ([7:09])
  • How creating a boring Excel spreadsheet can be the single greatest networking hack for your real estate investing company ([10:46])
  • Why cutting the areas you help in half puts finding profitable deals on “easy mode” ([11:30])
  • The “Flipping” formula for buying 67 units during the pandemic (and how this still works today) ([12:06])
  • Two quick ways to break free from poverty consciousness you picked up from your parents ([20:01])
  • How to build a social media brand to cultivate joint venture relationships for your deals ([23:39])

To connect with TJ Ainsborough, please visit:

TJ Ainsborough | https://thelotusbrothers.com | https://www.youtube.com/@thelotusbrothers

To get the latest updates directly from Dan and discuss business with other real estate investors, join the REI marketing nerds Facebook group here: https://adwordsnerds.com/group

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Read Full Transcript

You're listening to the REI marketing nerds podcast, the leading resource for real estate investors who want to dominate their market online. Dan Barrett is the founder of AdWords nerds, a high tech digital agency focusing exclusively on helping real estate investors like you get more leads and deals online, outsmart your competition and live a freer, more awesome life. And now, your host, Dan Barrett

(0:40) Alright, hello, everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of the REI marketing nerds podcast. As always, this is Daniel Barrett here from AdWords nerds.com, where you can go to get more motivated seller leads and deals online for your real estate investing business. Okay, this week, this is a wild one. I'm talking to TJ ainz burrow from the Lotus brothers.com. Now TJ has one of the wildest stories of how he got into real estate investing that I have ever heard. And what's more, his success has been absolutely meteoric. Now, it's not fair to say that it's been overnight. Right. I wouldn't say that because he has been working his butt off. But what he has done is made a ton of progress very quickly. And his story is one of them just like pure commitment in the face of really, really difficult setbacks. This is a fun conversation TJs and insightful dude that you're gonna get a lot out of. So without any further ado, let's jump into my conversation with TJ ainz burrow from the Lotus brothers.com. TJ, welcome to the show, man. Thank you so much for being here.

(2:00) Thanks, Dan. Appreciate you having me. So there's a bunch of stuff I want to talk about. I want to start with the name the Lotus brothers, can you walk us through how you chose the name the Lotus brothers for your business. And then in the process of that give people just a quick overview of what your business does today. And seeing a so but my main businesses is called Lotus capital. We are a real estate company. We invest in new developments, small and multi families and we're diving into some larger multifamily developments. Essentially, the name Lotus brothers came from me and my partner, we've known each other for almost over a decade. And we met while playing a trading card game called Magic the Gathering. super nerdy game. And one of the the rarest cards in that in the in the card game is called the Black Lotus. And, you know, we're a bunch of nerds, and we're doing very well in real estate. And we said why not? Why not make a logo and and use Lotus as part of our names? Right. So that's essentially how the name happened. Nothing to do count. See? But yeah, so that's essentially a simplified version of it today, so I don't think they're gonna see this before I think I think I got so I don't think I do that story. I had my notes that I wanted to ask him about the day so it's like it's funny because I also have a giant Magic the Gathering nerds like that. And it's the same thing we have all these song titles that like sound like really cool, but there's actually this magic card that was gonna mention too I think it's for people that can't see I think in the background of your theory now you've got a picture of view and again gar for better absolutely Yep. Big big trading coordinated any any trading card you can imagine. I I've been bested him and I bought I played collected all right, I love this. So we're It's my hobby. We are not we are not going to bludgeon the audience with this conversation. We can have this conversation I bet you the 1% of your audience absolutely would love this conversation but the other 99% Probably wouldn't

(4:10) I mean it wasn't we'll put it this I will say that like you know my son's I've been I've got a six year old an eight year old and they got into poker mom that the card game this year, but they really they don't play it they're like only in it for collecting and put them on remains like I think it's the single biggest like intellectual property brand is the number one brand in the world. Now it just surpassed our words. Yeah. Which is the number one brand and absolutely mind blowing because Pokemon was I remember waiting for the original poker Mala Gameboy when I was in high school, right? So it's like, anyway, but but the reason I bring it up is there is something there about, you know, it's really fascinating to watch them, you know, as they sort of collect these cards and they all I want the V max or I want this one Winner with a shiny winner, you know, they have certain things that they're collecting, I have had to sit down with them. And you know, they will be like, Well, why is this one worth more than that one and I have to like, sit down with them and be like, prices are composed of both supply and demand. Right? And it's like I have just like, economics questions, like conversation with them. So there is something to be said there about the sort of like investing mindset Do you feel like it was it was that kind of like your introduction into like, the business world where you were like, you are getting into cards, and certain cards are worth more than others. So you buy low and sell high was there like a Canaves?

(5:33) Absolutely. So actually, like when I was younger, so I don't come from a very well off family. And so again, getting into trading cards, Pokemon at the time, you know, it was like $8, a pack back in the day, right, and you had to get a pack and you just opened it up, right. But like, I didn't, we didn't have money to constantly keep buying cards. It's a very expensive hobby. So what my family's super into garage saleing back then. And we actually used to have garage sales all the time, traveled around on weekends, but we'd have our own garage sales, and I used to sell my old toys, to be able to get money to be able to buy new packs and be able to collect. So I had the value there of understanding like how to buy and sell my old toys. So like I'd sell my Lego and I buy Pokemon, and then I'd open a pack of cards and be like, Oh my god, I pull the needle king or glass toys or something.

(6:25) Like, oh, I just lost money on this. You know, it's like, it's so fascinating. Yeah, like my, my son's they put up basically what is a lemonade stand, but they were selling their Pokemon cards. And they would like, they put cards. They like wrapped them in like printer paper and made like packs out of them and like, and I was trying to tell them is like so they went out. There's no one coming to buy the cards. And I was like you didn't market it. And they were like, what's marketing? And I was like, boy, that might got a podcast. Anyway, so I love that. I'm so glad I asked that question now. So I mean, well, that's kind of a good introduction, because your story of your kind of journey into real estate is really fascinating. It's all over the place, I think. I think it was only two years ago. Now as we record this. So you were laid off, right? So can you tell people like what was the transition into real estate investing for you, I think you also worked in oil. And you've got you got a story to you. So lay it out for people, like how'd you get into real estate investing?

(7:27) Sure. So. So there's two separate stories, like I was always dabbling in real estate a little bit for the last since it will last 10 years. But I only went I went full time when the pandemic hit. So that I was in the oil fields pretty for eight years, you know, working in the oil rigs, and I would fly back and forth from like rotational work. So I'd fly in for 20 days at a time come back, sometimes months at a time I'd be gone. And then and then come back. And that was always my kind of security net. So I would, and it was seasonal. So I would fly out of work for like six to eight months at a year. And then I'd come home for for about four months we'd be laid off. And then that four months, I would dabble in real estate, I might, you know, buy property and renovate it and either flip it or try and do the birth right. And I would do that we did that. I mean my wife, we did all the renovations ourselves back then because we it was just kind of a hobby, it wasn't really a business, right? And, you know, watch a lot of income property, and HGTV and stuff and just got the BB and just figured we could do it all ourselves. So after a few weeks and a few failures, we bought an old like most recent house in 2020. And this was like, October, and then I flew out for a couple of inches. And then January hit and then that's when stuff started happening. Right the pandemic was creeping up and then march there was no job right pandemic happened, I was laid off. And then from there, I actually took all the remaining money we had and bought the last house like that was our house actually had to sell my two income properties just to buy this house because I made a mistake of trusting a broker that told me I could get it for 5% down, wasn't able to get a 5% down, I ended up having to come up with 30% down just to close on this property. It was a huge, huge mistake. I'm so thankful that it happened right? It was big learning and like you know, it wouldn't be where I am if it didn't happen but the the aspect of that I was like oh my god, how am I going to come up with an extra 25% down so I had to sell my two income properties took all that money, put it towards the downpayment, and I was back to square one I was broke house poor literally just bought the house it sounds like kind of flipped my way into the neighborhood I wanted to be at for my kids like my like I have a two young kids. My daughter was just starting Junior Kindergarten so I wanted her to be in this specific school. So slipped my way into there, essentially, but I was broke. And then pandemic happened literally The two three months later. So at that point, I had barely any capital left and I took 500 bucks remaining up on my credit card and bought a bootcamp for a real estate meetup real estate tactical workshop. And then from there, I was like, You know what, I'm going full time into this. There's no, like, there's no job, there's no security blanket to go back to I understand real estate. I've done it a couple of times, you know, I've had a successful flip. I've had burrs, my failed on a lot of loans. So I know what not to do, like through an extent, right. And then I just needed to get around people who are doing it at a larger scale. So so this is where the workshop came in, I started going to meetups. And I literally started networking like crazy man. Like I, I had an Excel spreadsheet of every single conversation that I had, and I was having like 40 conversations a day posting on, you're off Facebook groups, joining all the Facebook groups trying to connect and talk to anybody I could. And it kind of just like, snowballed from there. Because I started like, doing these, these posts saying, Hey, I'm on over here, I'm doing X, Y, and Z, I want to I want to start investing in real estate, this is what I'm good at. I know my area in and out like I, all I did was was follow the MLS on a daily basis, like I could name any point in the city that like where my hometown was, and I could tell you what a property sold for what it goes toward, you know, I do my numbers in and out, I was what you could call the expert investor in that area. Because I knew everything about the town, I knew what was going to happen. I knew, you know, future, you know, growth, economic growth and stuff like that. So I started connecting and giving value to people who were interested in my area. That was it. Like, that's all I could do i the ceiling value I had I had no money I had no, no I didn't, I didn't really have the ability to be able to take down properties on that from there by connected with more people, I joined more groups, and it just snowballed into this amazing, you know, during the pandemic, we flipped 18 houses bought 67 units of apartment buildings in Alberta, it did over a million dollars in private lending i We wholesaled over 500 grand worth worth of wholesale fees. And literally, the beginning of the pandemic 500 bucks that I spent, I was flat broke. So it's a crazy, crazy story. And there's obviously a lot more more there but and yet, and now we're at the point where we we've done so much business and we've gotten so much gotten to such a growth point that we're starting our own real estate investment fund. And we're going to be aiming to scale this. So we have about 10 million assets under management right now. We're going to be looking to scale it to below 30 million assets under management by the end of 2023. And yeah, it's crazy journey will have been very, very quick.

(13:01) Yeah, that is no joke. Right? And I think there's something to be said for having the gun to your head, the metaphorical gun to your head, you know, right, like you got the two kids and the just so all right. Couple things come to mind. First is I'm gonna go all the way back. What is it like working in the oil field, it's an Is there anything that you take from that part of your life and you either rely on or you think about or you use today in your this sort of new phase of your life. So when I went to the oil fields, I was again, it was almost like the same situation with the real estate. So I was working at a local pawn shop under the table cash, they were paying me $10 An hour and then I got fired. I got fired from that job because I showed up late one time, they fired me and I was so upset and we had so much credit card debt at the time but I literally took I went home I told my wife I was like driving to Alberta. I'm not coming back without 10 grand in the bank and our debts paid. So I drew all my stuff in the truck I took my 2000 Dodge Dakota with 300,000 kilometers and I drove 4500 kilometers to Alberto and literally just I slept in my truck in minus 40 degree weather for three weeks just to get my first job in the oil patch and then when I when I got my first job I was I don't know if anybody's seen licensed a drill but like it's a it's a crazy job you're like 15 hour days and you are literally in like I was covered in in her head to toe on a daily basis. Again minus 40 degree weather I was working Midnight's too, so like the with the windchill was almost minus 50 sometimes and they never close down the rig. And those conditions were super harsh, right and I'm working with like, the worst worst bunch like like If you've if you've been to, you know, kind of frat boys gone bad, you know, half convicts have you know, just way too much lay there's a lot of good people, but there was a lot of bad people, right? So a lot of rough individuals out there out, you know, look at me, right? Like, I don't look like an oilfield worker or like, you know, and if you if you meet me in person, I'm not tall, I'm like five foot six, right. And these guys are monsters. And you know, the, it is a very physically intensive job. I would say like, if you've ever bailed hay out a farm picture doing that for 15 hours straight every day, tell us around hail bills like this, that's kind of essentially the job right? So being able to be thrown in a completely new environment after network with with people that I'm forced to network with, regardless about one and live in remote locations. So I had no friends, no family, no nothing around me. And I'm getting beaten this not everyday, like my body torn apart, right? So these harsh realities just for me to be able to, to, you know, make money that that's, again helped for me, like, and I had that, you know, that's part of my work ethic. I'm just gonna go and do it. And there's a lot of times I was gonna quit that until I got that first paycheck. And I was like, Okay, I'm a lighter. But I literally, I didn't come back home for three and a half months. And when I came back home, I had exactly the 10 Grand, I paid off her doubts. And then I went out on another hitch. And I worked another three months, and we bought our first house. So I went from $10. Now we're not going to buy our first house it within six months, because I took all our money cleared, my dad's did everything the broker told me, and then we bought our first house so that there again is one of those stories what like, you hustle you, you push and you just, you know, grind like grinded, right, like people, it seems like nowadays people are afraid to work and go hard. You know, like, I frickin killed it in, in like, killed myself to like my body. There was days I woke up and I would sit in the shower for two hours before my shift started just to like, cook my body because I was so beaten. And I love telling the story. Because like now, I just came back from Cancun, like literally feet up drinking beater on the on the edge, and like just having an unbelievable life transformation when I used to do that, right?

(17:25) So it'd be strikes me right there, there's the connection there. You know, you have this moment where you've got all this credit card debt, you get fired from the pawn shop, which is like in itself was like just kind of like the you know, they were only paying you under the table to begin with the late ones. So they fire you and you have this kind of like, really, chips are down moment. And you make this seemingly very risky leap of saying I'm gonna jump in the car driving, you know, I'm gonna get a job, or I'm gonna die trying. And you sort of fast forward through the pandemic, and you are in this moment where well that job is then taken away from you, right? With through no fault of your own right, you can't do that anymore. You've got you have these real estate deals that were like you said, not there anymore. You're basically back to square one. You're almost right, where you started, although you are, you know, like you have a house and all this stuff now. Right? And you make again, what seems like a pretty risky decision, or maybe a risky is the right word, but a a commitment to spending that last $500 on the real estate seven. Right? So what I'm curious about is, why do you think in those moments, you are willing or able to act? Because I think many people when they get put in that sort of moment of dire need, they either freeze up or they they talk themselves out of it, they go to the thing that they think is safest, rather the thing that they think is going to be the best, you know, I mean, like they sort of do whatever they can just to hold on. But it seems like you're willing or able to take more drastic action than then I'm curious, like, why you think that is? Or if you don't want to answer it that way. Kind of what goes through your head in those moments? And how do you talk yourself through it?

(19:20) Absolutely. So like, at that point, like it was either you know, fight or flight right, like do you do you go back to this secure, like, secure job? Do I go and try and find something local, less less money? You know, do I do I find that nine to five, right, where I'm just like, you know, I can pay the bills and then I have that sense of security. Right? Or do I do I take the leap and try and become more and do what I believe I can do what believe what I've said on this earth for and at that time. I have always had this internal drive to be more than than I am. I have a lot of, again, responsibility. You know, I've got two kids. I have a otherwise spinal bifida, I have a family that is constantly on assistance and disability because they can't, you know, physically work. And I have a lot of like, I'm the only one who can change this. This, you know, consistent, you know, family thing that just keeps happening, like everybody just keeps going into, you know, low poverty type of routine, and I'm the only one who can change that. So I had this medium when you say like, what is your why, right? Like my why was I wanted the control to be able to help my family I wanted to be able to provide, I wanted to do more than just make money, I wanted to make impact, I wanted to change the trajectory of what my family has always been through, right. And I can go back, there's nobody in my, you know, my family lineage that is, you know, successful. Right. And I wanted to create that, break that right. So, at the time, you know, like, I'm just turning 32 now, so I was hitting my 30s. And I told my mom, I used to tell my mom when I was 20. Like all through my 20s I'm gonna be a millionaire by the time I'm 30. Right? And, and then 30 hit and I was like, fuck, I'm not a millionaire. So, so this mob blogger bias, isn't that broad? Just like? Yeah, just wanted to check in real quick. See where that million is just, you're telling me it's actually gonna

(21:25) be fine. Yeah, and I'm at the point now, I can't even tell my mom what I do, because it just horrifies. Right. Like, I've just, it's at a level that I literally can't even explain to her, you know, hey, hey, Mom, I'm doing this right. And it because it just, it doesn't, I can't go to the family gathering and just say, Hey, I'm doing X, Y, and Z, because it's just, it's a different conversation now. Like, I'm at this, this level, and I'm gonna go to the next level. And the next level, when I'm gonna break every barrier I can, I think it comes to a lot of comfort, right? People get comfortable in what they're doing. And I become addicted to being uncomfortable. And when I get into a room where I'm the biggest fish, and I'm talking a lot, I'm in the wrong room. And I've realized now as I'm networking, right, it's just like, okay, you know, I'm giving value giving value. But if I'm not learning anything, I'm in the wrong room. So I want to get into bigger room and a bigger room and a bigger room. So it's, it's cool. It's really cool. And it's really exciting.

(22:22) So let's pivot a little bit. Let's talk about branding and personal branding. You know, you're mentioning how heavily you lean on networking, right? You sort of leaned on networking early in your real estate investing career, you are networking, like you said, with people on the oil rig, or it's like, you know, isn't it not that necessarily people I would choose to hang out with, but they are the people I'm going to be hanging out with, right. And a big part of networking, I think, is understanding kind of how you present yourself for you get also very active on YouTube, if anyone's listening to this, you can find if you go on YouTube, at the Lotus brothers, so you can find TJ kind of putting out content all the time that I think is very well done and very strongly branded, which I think is a thing that a lot of real estate investors or people that ended in the industry struggle with, I know you're currently writing a book about personal branding. So let's break this down. How do you even define personal branding? And where do you think as an industry, we are falling short, or the mistakes that we make when we think about branding in general?

(23:30) Sure. So I think people really get confused with branding in general, right? Like, if I were to say, hey, go start posting your journey on social media, which is what I tell a lot of people I'm mentoring and stuff like that go post, you just got to post more, right? And when they go and post, they don't really have an idea of who is on the other side of that screen. So they don't they don't pick up the phone and think, Okay, who's actually watching my content? Like, who am I? Not just who is watching my content? Who do I want to watch my content? Yeah. And at that point, you can then realize, okay, like, do I want, you know, the, let's say, the 14 to 20 year olds? Do I want them to be watching my content? Maybe, maybe not? What is your goal of doing your branding in general at all you can you can just keep your head down and do a couple couple real estate deals and probably get out of the rat race eventually getting you know, principal pay down would not be retired good. Or you can you know, want to build it up as a business and get investors along and joint venture partners and stuff like that. If that's your goal, you should be creating your brand to target that specific joint venture partner or that specific investor, instead of just doing your content Super General. You can once you understand who you're actually targeting, you can reverse engineer back exactly how you should be designing your content to target that specific person. So when So when you when you ask, like what is branding? Well, it becomes, it becomes a lot more refined when you understand who you're actually branding for. Right? So if I know, my demographic is between, you know, again, 18 to 24, I'm probably spending most of my time on tick tock YouTube shorts, or Instagram reels, because a lot of it is quick, you know, 32nd videos, or, or Instagram stories or Facebook stories, because a lot of them just swipe through stories. So you got to like, figure out where the digit is where is your, your, your, your demographic and target Exactly. towards that. But you also need to design your content around to, to engage with that content. So again, if you watch a lot of my shorts and stuff, you're going to see quick camera changes you're going to see, you know, emojis and like, like, things popping up here constantly gaining attention, attention, attention, while you're going through that 32nd You know, YouTube short or Tik Tok. But the branding aspect comes along with understanding what you're actually doing, like, what is your end goal in that, right, I want that joint venture partner, that person is between age X, Y and X, Y. They're in these specific groups. So again, I tied that story of how I used to jump on Facebook groups, well, the Facebook groups, I jumped on, more specifically, a pool of people who are interested in the same thing, I was interested in real estate, I looked up for a real estate investing group, and jumped into it, right. And then from there, I started commenting and giving value. So again, I niched down into the group, right, which was not only a Real Estate Group, but it was a local real estate group that was close to me, right. So like, as you niche down into more refined, more refined, now I can actually talk about my, you know, where I'm at what I'm an expert in, and at the time, it was my specific market, right, so I needed to get around people were in my market and expand from there. And now I'm at this stage where I want to be able to gain a lot of attention across North America, in the US as well, and be able to give a ton of value of what I've learned, join even $200,000 worth of mastermind and corpses and business coaches to be able to give this, you know, this kind of value back to people. So my brand has changed over time. And that's where the Lotus brothers was formed was to target this specific ideology, right?

(27:25) So it strikes me too, right? Like it's, it's you are building an audience of people who know like, and trust you, right, sort of ahead of any point where you're going to ask anything of that. Right? Which is ultimately, Yeah, same as networking, right? Did you you are establishing a connection, establishing rapport, like you said, adding value, so that people when you do need something, and ultimately, right, we're all in this to make a profit in some way, right? When you do need something or have an ask, they trust that you're only asking it because you think there's going to be a win win there. Right? And it strikes me that that's really powerful in the context of your funds. So let's talk about that a little bit. What was the decision like, like, what made you want to transition into the sort of fun that you're starting and give people an overview of what you guys were doing there? Absolutely. So so it's, it's been able to go from here to here, right? Like you want like to go to that next level, you need to play bigger, you need to do bigger deals, you need to do bigger, raise more capital, you need to play bigger. And that's when the fun came involved, right. And what I love about the fund structure is it's designed as what you just said, a win win, right? Like you need to create Win Win scenarios with your investors. And what I love about the fund model is the more money I make my investors, the more money I make. So so I'm incentivized to make as much money as possible. And I come from, you know, I've had my mortgage agent license I've had I understand, I've done a ton of private lending fixed interest rates, man, and I understand the how you can make money in that industry. But when alerted me more to this was the fact that it's not just like, hey, I'm borrowing this mortgage at 12%, you're gonna make 12%. I can give them a preferred rate of return. But if I win, and I mean, like, really, when they get to when Whitney, right, and it becomes this like, again, like a joint venture on steroids. It's awesome. And it's exciting. So that's how we kind of transition to that.

(29:35) Yeah. So you've got all this stuff going on. Like we mentioned, you've got a book coming out, right? You've got your own business, you've got the fund the Lotus fund, right, which is what is called Lotus kappa B. So let us use capital. Yeah, okay. Yeah. So lotus capital. You've got so much going on. Not to mention, by the way, if I'm doing my math, right, you've got a two year old at home at two and a half or three year old something like that. Yeah, I am. I have a say Seven year old daughter and I have a two and a half year old being a boy. If anyone was watching, TJ terrifyingly, you know, looked behind his shoulder just to make sure that nobody can overhear that comment. So I appreciate that the so you have yet plus, like you mentioned, you're in a relationship, right? You've got the your extended family, you've got a lot going on. And it strikes me that you are someone who feels that drive to succeed on a level that isn't just, well would be nice to have a big house, right? Like you are someone you know, you mentioned, like you're very driven to break a certain cycle, the sort of a financial pattern that you see in your family, you've got people you want to provide for now you're getting into this, this relationship with the people that join your fund, where you've got to make money for them, like you're, you're clearly very driven, right, literally driving out to the oil field trip. My question for you is, do you envision a time in your life where that stops? Like, is there a point in your head where you're like, that's the goal line? If I get there good? Is it that you just enjoy it so much that you don't want to turn it off? How do you strike that balance between your drive and your ability to enjoy the stuff that you're building? Does that make sense?

(31:28) Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. 100% It makes sense, right? So at certain points, I always set myself up like little, like, I've got my crazy, audacious goals, right, we all want $100 million fund. And then like, you get to that point where you're you, you hit that goal, and you're like, now what, right? And I've been doing that over the last two, the two and a half years now where like, I've been really breaking the goals in a wake wicker amount of time that I set myself for, right. And when you hit those goals, it's always just becomes like, you're at that point, you want to do something more, right. But I think what separates again, people who want to do crazy amount of stuff, and people who want to do a specific amount of stuff, and there's no problem with what you want to do. Right? Like if you want to, as long as you create that vision, and you create your exact ideal, and you you're taking steps every day, it's great, you do not have to have $100 million fund, you do not need $100 million in real estate, you do not need to go and start multiple Pawn Shop franchises and write a book and do this and do that. And they have so many things that you can't even talk about on a single podcast interview. You don't need to do that. But where I enjoy my business, I enjoy researching IRAs, I enjoy learning more and always constantly growing. So you know, I'm at the point where I put my kids to bed and I jump and I do two and a half hours of research on the computer just to keep learning more and engaging and growing. Because I like that like it like when people people have hobbies like a joke around like you know, trading cards, I love magic galleries, stuff like that, like that's one hobby. But my business is a hobby, it gets like it's I wouldn't say a hobby, but it's something I enjoy that I get to do on a daily basis. There is shady things in the business, right stuff that you you know, have to deal with. That isn't fun, you got your parking lot stuff and whatever. But then there's stuff that like I truly enjoy, and I do on a daily basis. So when you say is there ever a point I'm gonna stop? I don't think so. Because it's just fun. Like, I don't I don't know how to explain it. It's fun.

(33:30) Yeah, no, I think you explained it perfectly well, right. I mean, you're the perfect example of there's a guy Thiago forte is like a blogger makes courses and stuff like that, right. And he says, has the thing that I really love, or he says it's really difficult to beat someone who's having fun, right. And that's very true in this business. Like any other, someone's having fun. They're just a little bit more willing to, I don't know, drive out into the middle of an oil field and beg for a job for three weeks until we get one. Maybe I wasn't the fun part. But you could want to say I don't know that. That was fun. But I know that was probably get ripped out. It's probably good. You know, TJ Ades world, this has been amazing. You have so much stuff going out yet. We didn't even get to hawk stars, which I think well, we'll probably have to talk about next time. So the Lotus brothers.com is the main website. You can go there. Check it out. We've mentioned the YouTube where if you go to youtube.com/at, the Lotus brothers or just type in the lotus brothers in YouTube, you will find your YouTube channel as well. Where else do you want people to find you online? Do you do social media like Where should people look you?

(34:41) Absolutely you can find me across pretty much any platform. I'm on all of them. TJ underscore Lotus. And yeah, yeah, the lowest ballers.com Lowest brothers, YouTube. Alright, so the Lotus brothers.com Go on your favorite social media of choice. TJ underscore Lotus. And of course through YouTube, the Lotus brothers TJ ainz burrow. Thank you so much, man. This was a real, fun and wide ranging conversation. It was really unique and cool, and I really appreciate you sharing your story. Thanks, Dan. Appreciate you having me. That is it. That's it for our interview this week. As always, AdWords nerds.com/podcast is where you can go to get all the past show notes. For this episode, every episode we've ever done, we've got transcripts, downloads, you got it, you name it, we got it, whatever the thing is, you know what I mean? Go to AdWords nerds.com/podcast. And you can check it out. As always, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate having you here. Thank you for listening. And I will see you next week. Cheers.

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