
Episode #52 – How To Maximize Your Investing Brand Online, with Uriah Dortch

Whether you’ve closed a ton of deals as an investor or are still waiting for that first lead, you know that generating leads is often the hardest part to becoming a successful real estate investor.

In this episode, Uriah Dortch tells you all about how he systematized his investment business so that generating leads isn’t a struggle (he almost has too many leads).

Listen now to find out how to build a brand online that attracts leads on autopilot instead of trying random tactics that may or may not work.

Build this and take the struggle out of investing and build a business you’re excited to run.

Show highlights include:

  • The mindset “switch” that helped Uriah go from part-time investor to running his business full-time. ([5:30])
  • Beware of this trap in smaller “tier 2” markets–even if you don’t have many competitors, this factor could sabotage you. ([15:40])
  • How Uriah markets his business to build a brand that’s known for quality work—and gets people chasing him to work with him. ([23:05])
  • The “simple but not easy” 2-step process to effective direct marketing that generates leads on autopilot. ([24:25])

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Inspiring Investment Raleigh – https://www.inspiringinvestmentraleigh.com/

The Inspiring Investment Blog – https://www.theinspiringinvestment.com/

Inspiring Investment YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjquRzzVtrw7woDznTJsPgA

Inspiring Investment on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/the.inspiring.investment/

Read Full Transcript

You're listening to the REI Marketing Nerds podcast, the leading resource for real estate investors who want to dominate their market online. Dan Barrett is the founder of Ad Words Nerds, a high tech digital agency focusing exclusively on helping real estate investors like you get more leads and deals online, outsmart your competition and live a freer, more awesome life. And now, your host, Dan Barrett. 

Dan: Hey everybody. This is Dan Barrett from AdWordsNerds.com. How are you, my wonderful friends? I hope you are having an awesome week. This week, I have a really cool interview for you. I interview an investor down in the Raleigh area who has been investing down in Wake County there. His name is Uriah Dortch. Now you may not know Uriah. He's not someone that like goes around and is on a lot of podcasts or whatever, but what Uriah brings to the table is really fascinating. [0:01:10.6]

He is bringing a really new angle to the way that he gets motivated sellers. And this is everything from the brand that he has built with his wife, which is really high quality and really cool, to the way that he customizes his website, to the way that he does video and Instagram. He's really, really leveraging the online space in a very smart way - super smart dude - and I can't wait for you to get to know him a little bit more. So without any further introduction, let's get into my interview with Uriah Dortch.

Alright. I am here with Uriah Dortch from TheInspiringInvestmentRaleigh.com. Uriah, how are you, man - what's going on?

Uriah: I'm doing great, man. Just out in here Raleigh, buying houses.

Dan: Okay. Well I know you are on your phone on this call right now. Are you actually out and about, like looking at properties, or what are you actually doing? [0:02:08.0]

Uriah: Yes, I have been today. Had a couple of scheduled appointments, so, just wanted to make sure we were able to get this done, but didn't want to miss it.

Dan: Is it like super hot down there because we just had like a wild heat wave up here, and I know it was kind of a nationwide thing? Did you get like real melted?

Uriah: Yeah, it got up to, man, 97 with a 110 heat index for a couple of days there and then today it's like 83 and it feels amazing and it rained for, you know, hours yesterday and then brought in the cool weather with it, so.

Dan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. People are walking around with hoodies on in like 84 degree weather because it is comparably much cooler.

Uriah: Yes. People wore jackets today, and I was like what are you doing?

Dan: Alright. So let's get into this. So I have mentioned this before - your website is TheInspiringInvestmentRaleigh.com and you are investing in Wake County, which is - people who aren’t familiar with Wake County, which I wasn’t really - it's kind of like Raleigh and the surrounding areas, which is a pretty awesome area to be investing in and living in. [0:03:17.4]

Let's kind of go, let's kind of start at the beginning. How did you get involved with real estate investing? I like this question because real estate investing is kind of a weird world. You know, like everybody has like a different sort of way into this industry. So what got you started doing what you're doing?

Uriah: Yeah, there was kind of two parts. The first was in bottom of the recession in 2009, I was scouring Craig's List for like a year, looking for our first home to buy for us as a personal residence. Then we find this little ranch out in Holly Springs that was, you know, you just kind of know your numbers after looking for that long. Even with no experience, you kind of know when there is a good deal, and it was $99,000 and I said, man, I told my wife, I was like, "Babe, we have got to go look at this house." And it was a wholesaler. [0:04:06.6]

So I bought my first home from a wholesaler on Craig's List in the bottom of the recession, and we worked on that for four years. That's kind of what got us into like the whole idea of like buying distressed properties and renovating them and then in 2013, I actually got to take on a job with American Homes For Rent. They were buying up rental property across the U.S. So I helped them buy about 2800 houses here in the Raleigh Metro, and that really launched me into like understanding the scale, you know, working in systems, and just the process of buying houses and we were renovating them, so I was getting the construction side as well. So you kind of get an idea real quick, like this is what it takes, you know, and it didn't become an issue anymore, like the thought process wasn’t, I wasn’t scared to buy a house or like what's going to happen or what could be wrong or, you know, we just, it just becomes a second nature thing. So that kind of really launched me and at some point, that job kind of dried up. [0:05:02.2]

They said, "Hey, we're not buying anymore," and then you know, second phase of life, I just said, "Babe, here we go. I need to go get a regular job. You know, we have been flipping some houses on the side for the last couple of years, or we can really just take this full time and let's see what happens," which we did, and then within three months, we got six houses under construction and I said, "I think we're good," you know, and we just kept going.

Dan: That's awesome. I mean, so there's a couple of things I wanted to ask about. Like, I definitely want to come back to the systems thing, because I know you mentioned that. What do you think was the, do you think that kind of like mindset switch for you was a big… was that like a big element in you being able to jump to full time? Because I think a lot of investors, they don’t… they kind of have to make the decision before they get there. Right? Like they're, and they're .... in people's heads, jumping into investing - that's a risky thing. Did it feel risky to you because you had had that experience already?

Uriah: No. It felt less risky. I had had other jobs and every one of them at some point or other, like, you know, the work kind of dried up or in the middle of recession, you get laid off or you know, a number of other reasons. [0:06:08.2]

And that, to me, seemed risky, not knowing whether you're going to have a job next week. So to me, having our business that I could control and I know when the properties are coming in and I know, you know, I can put food on the table for my family, it was, it was not risky at all. It was just, it seemed like the logical step. And then just being around it so much previously, it just, like the idea of doing, you know, buying rental properties and flipping homes was second nature.

Dan: Yeah. I think it's like a lot of people; a lot of people misread that. Right? They think about being entrepreneurial or something like investing or whatever it is, it's like that's the risky option. You still have risk if you're working for someone else. You just have way less of an idea what's going on. You know …

Uriah: That's what I feel like.

Dan: This is your business, and you're like, oh, I'm going out of business next month - like, I'm …[0:07:01.9]

Uriah: Yeah, you know, if you don’t have anything coming in, you go okay, we don’t have any projects, you know, no houses, I don’t have anything under contract. I know, you know, hey, we're not selling these last few houses that we have in stock, you know … if I don’t have, if I don’t money to replace then you know, you know what's coming down the pipeline, but yeah. If you work for somebody else, you know, you might kind of notice, but you might not and it might be over before you even realize it. So that, to me, is a lot more risky than you know, than working for somebody else.

Dan: Yeah. I'll never forget like when I was, I was out of college and I was working as a like an SAT tutor, like for Kaplan, like I would go to people's houses and do that, and I got a job at this like, it was like a tutoring, like a Kumon or whatever it was, but it was local, right - so it was like a place kids would go and I would go and I would tutor them. And like, you know, relatively new business but he was doing pretty brisk business in like a pretty nice little suburb. And I was like, cool - this is like my steady gig because tutoring was kind of up and down. And I just remember I went in to work one day and the boss guy never showed up and then he didn't show up the next day, and the girl that was kind of like the manager, I was like, "Hey, what's going on with this dude?" and she was like, "I really don’t know, like, he's supposed to be in" and then the third day I went in, and she was like, "Oh, I found out that like he took all the money and fled the country." Like he just went to Mexico or something and like…[0:08:19.2]

Uriah: Oh, my gosh.

Dan: … didn't tell anyone. Didn't tell any of the parents. Like didn't tell anyone that worked there. Like he just bounced. Right? I'm like, "I didn't get paid for that week," or whatever it was, and I just remember that as being like, oh, yeah, I'm like, it seems like way more stable than it is. You know, there's a lot of …

Uriah: Yeah. It's a perception that I think, you know, people want to have that it's just safer, but I could, you know, as you just said, it's easily debatable that it's not at all safer.

Dan: Yeah. Well you also said earlier one of my favorite words, which is "systems." Right? So like tell me a little bit about that. Like it sounds like you, would you say are you like a systems-oriented person in terms of how you run your business? [0:09:04.8]

Uriah: I am, on the acquisitions side. My wife handles a lot of the systems as far as renovation, selections, ordering, you know. I work well with systems. I don’t do well to create them. So I had been, like I said, in previous jobs, we had a lot of systems and rehab I knew, you know, we had so much data on exactly, you know, well not exactly, the averages of the rehab budget for a house, what particular square footage, and what year it was built. So, you know, that was a drastic help for us to get going because we could kind of look at that and go, okay, on average, I'm looking at a house or an auction house so I could underwrite this really quickly and say, hey, here's the average, you know, if we're in a range where I could make it work, you know, it's one that we're going to go after and look at. We were doing a lot of auctions at the very beginning as well because I knew that. We had bought hundreds of houses at auctions prior to us starting our own company, and so I knew that process really well, and then, we fed in the off market deals directly to sellers and just kept moving forward with that. [0:10:11.1]

But yeah, the systems were just, I work really well with them and it really helps our business. I would be honest and say my wife is a lot better at creating them, and I'm a lot better at following them.

Dan: That's funny. I mean, you know, obviously you need both and it sounds like, it sounds like you and your wife kind of split the skill sets a little bit, which is pretty great. Can you talk a little bit about like what's working with her like? Did you guys work together at all … I guess you said you were flipping on the side, right - so you were doing that together before?

Uriah: Yeah. We were. I mean, she was an ICU nurse for a long time and so she was doing that and that's kind of, that helped her systems side. They had a lot of those at the hospital, but we, you know, we were working together, like I said ordering and she was doing selections and I was making things happen on the job site and then - yeah, we kind of know our roles and if I step over into her lane, she usually says, "Hey, get out of my lane. [0:11:04.7]

That's not your decision to make," and that helps out our business a lot better, which obviously anybody in any type of partnership, whether it's your husband or wife or a business partner in this, you know, venture, know your lanes, know where you need to be working and don’t, you know - stay out of the other person's way. Because if you cross in, they usually take it personally - hey, like, we have discussed this - this is not your job. You shouldn’t be giving me, you know, or giving me your thoughts about what we need to do with acquisitions or rehabs or whatever, you know, whatever their job is.

Dan: Yeah. I mean, that strikes me as like such a valuable skill to have like in and out of the business. You know, it's like my wife and I, we don’t work together at all, but you know, my wife is a stay-at-home mom, but like recently, I fired liked a personal assistant and I was like I went to her and I was like, hey, like, I know you've kind of been wanting to do something like not involving picking up food and like, you know, putting a screaming child to bed or whatever. So I was like, dude, are you interested in this? And she was like, sure - let's try it. [0:12:02.4]

And it's shocking to me - like I'll give her something. She's great, like she's super logistically minded. I think when the kids get older, she'll go work for someone and she'll absolutely crush whatever she does, but it's like the amount of times I've needed to bite my tongue over stuff like, I'm like, there's no reason for me to chime in here and I just want to, like super bad, because I'm used to it. You know what I mean?

Uriah: Yeah.

Dan: Being the guy, and I'm like, oh, this is probably like, this is probably good for my marriage to just like train me to like shut my mouth every now and then…it's good boss training.

Uriah: It is. Sometimes, it's like, hey, they're doing their best here. Like, you know, let them roll with it. Maybe you give them some critiques later in the day but…

Dan: Yeah. Or I could just look at it and be like, I know for an actual fact that when I've done this in the past, I've done it way worse than this. So like, maybe just don’t say anything, you know. Like, it's been good. [0:13:06.0]

So like tell me a little bit about Raleigh. I've been to Raleigh a couple of times. It's an awesome place to be, but I don’t know much about it as a housing market. So like, actually - let's do this. Explain to sort of folks like what your model is, whether you're like wholesaling or flipping or lease options or buy and hold or whatever, like whatever your mix is, and then tell you a little bit about like what Raleigh, as a market, looks like in terms of your competition and like what the properties are like and all that kind of stuff. Give us that kind of context for your business.

Uriah: Yeah. As far as our business model, we mainly flip. We do hold some rentals, but they're all houses that have come out of our flip funnel. So they're all houses that we have renovated. Almost all of them have been extensive renovations, so I know they're all new electric, new plumbing, new roofs and windows, like siding, everything - it's almost like a new house. And I keep those because I know, you know, they're going to be solid and low maintenance for the next foreseeable future, and they're all in great locations. There's a little town called Cary. I have a couple there. [0:14:04.1]

I have a couple of rentals in Raleigh near the downtown area. So they're all in high appreciating areas. We, you know, are, the money we have in those is a lot lower than surrounding areas because, or surrounding houses, because we were planning on flipping it, you know. So we have a good equity position. So as far as the market here, it's incredibly difficult for people to come in and flip homes, you know, from not having any previous experience, you know. I get calls almost weekly from guys who are like, hey, will you teach me how you do and all your secrets and I'm like, no.

Dan: Yeah, you know - like, hey, let me take you out to lunch. And it's like, bro, I can buy my own lunch, like lunch costs $10.

Uriah: Yeah. But they, it's difficult definitely to make it on your first one here. You know, you're not going to find anything on MLS that's worthwhile typically. I'm sure people do, you know, people find tier ones or twos but you're not going to find any type of flow. I wouldn’t put it up there with necessarily like, you know, a tier 1 city, but you know, we're definitely, you know, a solid, I call it a tier 2. You know, you're under Atlanta, Houston, New York, like - we're not that competitive but there are definitely some big players here, but you... you need to find your niche. You need to find what you're good at, that you can make work. I don’t need, you know, hundreds of houses to make our business run well. So, we need 20 to 30 a year, and we're good. So, I can easily make that happen.

Dan: So would you say it's like, I mean, it sounds like what you're saying is like maybe the total number of investors doing deals is maybe like lower than average, but the sort of savviness and sort of quality of the competition is higher?

Uriah: I would say there's a bunch of small guys that are doing a handful of deals every year, which is probably pretty common. There are probably a handful of guys doing any type of decent volume, meaning like 20 plus a year in the area. [0:16:06.2]

And you know, we particularly have a high quality in our flips. Like we don’t do a lot of, you know, lipstick stuff. You know, we want to make sure that people that get our houses are getting a good product. So, you know, we regularly get agents that come back to buy our… you know, they see our listings come up and they're like, hey, when's your next listing coming up? I want to add a client. They want a house like y'all's because they know what we put out is, I mean I would argue that it's probably one of the better houses you're ever going to find in a neighborhood. Up against any other flipper, I would say ours is, the quality is, you know, far superior. But, you know, that means sometimes we get higher prices than they would, but we probably spend more than they do. I don't know if their profits are better, but you know, we don’t want to put out a bad product and just for the sake of making a little extra money.

Dan: Yeah. Like you're building a reputation based on the quality…

Uriah: Exactly.

Dan: … of the properties that you sell. So I mean, it's…

Uriah: Yeah. Exactly. I don’t know - I know very few companies in the area that actually have a brand - like, hey, this is our brand. We're The Inspiring Investment. [0:17:05.7]

We, you know, here's what we do and we want to make sure that we, you know, treat everyone well and that they, you know, in five years, and they're going to sell their house, that their house is still a great house and it's not, you know, I get calls from people who are like, oh, I bought a flip and then we found that the guy covered up all these foundation problems, and then, oh, you know… I literally went out with an attorney to a house that had been flipped three weeks ago, you know, as a consultant because he was like hey, should he have known this? And I was like, ah, yeah - he should have known that or he was just really bad and had no idea what he was doing - either way, you know, it was not, you know - it was not a good thing. So.
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Dan: You know, it's interesting to me because I think, you know, I've talked about branding for investors who are on this podcast and I've talked about it online and in various places or whatever, but I think it's, for a lot of investors, brand is a very kind of nebulous term. Right? And like, I think for me too, like coming from an online marketing background, it's very direct response oriented. Right? Like I want to show someone an ad. I want to get that lead in. I want to close that deal. Right? I am very much about like that immediate transaction, but branding is this kind of like really powerful long-term strategy because it's like you said, like people start to know your name. They start to associate your name with the quality of work, and they start to come to you of their own accord because they're like, hey, we know you produce a certain amount of quality, and I think for a lot of investors, that's, for one, it's kind of hard to quantify the ROI on that and like for two, it's very hard to do. Right? [0:19:15.0]

Because you've got to do it over time. It's all about consistency. But I think it's a huge differentiator. I mean, we're entering into this really competitive, not entering in - we are in this really competitive market for investors and I just think that like branding like the way that you're doing it is this huge invisible asset that's very hard to reproduce. Right? Because you just, you have to put in the time. There's no shortcut to it. So, I mean, is that - was that like a conscious strategy on your part? Were you like, we're really going to set ourselves apart based on, you know, these qualities? Or did it just kind of come from hey, we want to do a certain kind of work and people are starting to notice it?

Uriah: Yeah. We just felt like it was the right thing to do to do really high quality work, and then people noticed it. We did want, we actively thought we want to create a brand. We want to have a name that is something that people can, you know, grab a hold of and say, okay, yeah, like these guys are great. [0:20:10.4]

You know, I have my license as a realtor as well, so there's that high level of ethics that we work in. You know, I just, we don’t like shady business at all. It frustrates me to no end, and you know, I mean some wholesalers are pretty honest with their people. They're like, hey, you know, we're going to wholesale this. We're going to find investors to buy this house, but usually when I talk to people, they have already gone through one wholesaler or two, and they're like, hey, they shut me out for a long time and they were asking for price reductions and I don’t know if I can trust this guy anymore, you know, and they just said we just need somebody that's actually going to buy the house and I'm like, yeah, okay, then, you know, you've actually called the right person now and you know. It was definitely a conscious decision. My wife had built a pretty good brand site, which is just, it's TheInspiringInvestment.com, which is mainly just like a blog format of like tips and decorating ideas and things like that, and that's helped us out a lot too, stand apart because we're, it's important than… or we do a lot more, you know, trying to get into education, teaching other people about how to flip a house, what that would look like, you know, like high level stuff. [0:21:22.0]

But even that, I remember when we first started, I didn't even know like when do you sand the floors to refinish them? Is that before paint? After paint? Is that, you know, when do I do this? I didn't even know these processes. So and you can find out some of that stuff now by just, we're trying to just put together some educational tools for other people just getting started.

Dan: Yeah. Well, I would definitely like, so if you're an investor and you're listening to this, I mean, I hope you're … if not an investor listening to this, I don’t know what you're doing because it's … so I mean, I appreciate it but I don't know. Maybe you just like the sound of my voice, you know, I help you go to sleep. But assuming you're a real estate investor, I highly recommend that you go check out Uriah's sites. Your investing site is TheInspiringInvestmentRaleigh.com. [0:22:05.7]

Investment is singular, so TheInspiringInvestmentRaleigh.com and you were just pointing out your blog, which is TheInspiringInvestment.com. I think your seller site here, TheInspiringInvestmentRaleigh, is a really good example of a good way of customizing. You're an OnCarrot customer currently. Right? So you've done a really good job of like customizing Carrot to make it unique. It doesn’t look like anybody else's site. It's still highly conversion oriented. You guys put like cool content on it. The pictures look good. You've got some really high quality video on there that I think you did a really good job on. So I think that's a … you guys, I would highly recommend you go check out Uriah's site and kind of look, kind of like an inspiration for some ideas and stuff to do on your own site. What are you guys doing for marketing right now? Like what does your marketing kind of mix look like in terms of getting seller leads? [0:23:09.1]

Uriah: Yeah. One thing I just want to say about like the Carrot websites. They're decent. Right? They're a good platform to get started on, but when you search, you know, in your market of, you know, the top guys, most of them do have the Carrot site, just to be honest. But man, they all look exactly the same. And I'm like, I 'm looking at a house that doesn’t look like anything in our market. Like it looks like you got a house out of New Mexico sitting in here for Raleigh. Like you didn't do any work to customize this or work on it or anything. And so we just said man, we want to be different from the beginning stages. Like we love our clients - I mean, usually we get hugs. If you watch that video, you know, people are just like thank you so much for doing this, and it's not a bad thing that we're doing in our market. But as far as what marketing channels we use, our goal has always been every year, in January, that I'll do a lot of research and figure out kind of what's the, you know, the next thing that people are pushing into. We tend to focus heavily each year on one specific marketing channel. [0:24:04.7]

So like the first was auctions - okay, we're going to, you know, full bore that's all we did pretty much. We did a couple of off market deals from direct mail but we weren’t really doing it heavily. The second year, I said, hey, you know, auctions, we're just, you know, the consistency is there, we just keep going with that but we kind of have it on a system and it just keeps running.

Dan: Yeah.

Uriah: Then, you know, January 1 comes up. We say, okay, this one is going to be direct mail, you know. We'll, let's set up a system. You figure out what works, what kind of people we're going to target. Okay, you know. That's the system. It just keeps going. It keeps chugging every day. So you are going to add in these channels every year and not tend to take too many things on at once and get started like, I gotta do this and I gotta do this one then I can do this one, and it's all within a couple of months, and then they're burned out because they're not even really learning anything. They're just trying to implement it all at once.

Dan: Right.

Uriah: You know and then we did Facebook ads. Then we did Google Pay Per Click, you know and on and on and then every year, you just try to add another layer into that, into what you're doing. The SEO is big this year, you know, we're just keep, really keep moving. [0:25:01.4]

Dan: : Yeah. I mean, I think that is such a good way to think about it. Right? Because I, and so I've talked about this a lot but it's like, you can really tell the people who look at a marketing channel as a way of, it's like, if this is going to be a quick cash grab for me - so they're just like, I'm going to get in and I'm going to do a deal right away and then I'll roll that money into it versus the people who are like, this is going to be a big part of my business going forward and I'm going to invest the time into figuring it out. Right? So it's like, really going to figure out what works. You know, and it's like everybody does that. Like I have to do that in my business. I think the whole idea of like adding a channel a year is like such a good one. It's such a good idea because it gives you time to learn it and tweak it and put the systems behind it and really build on top of what you have versus kind of like what a lot of people do, which is sort of the spray and pray model of like, well, if I spend $5000, I should come …

Uriah: I'm bound to get something. [0:26:00.9]

Dan: Yeah, like, I mean, like, and it's like, oh, you know, over the course of a year, your ROI might be like 10 times but it doesn’t mean that this month you're going to make any money at all. Right? It's like it could all come in one fall. You never know. And …

Uriah: Well yeah, for sure. And we have months, even now, that are slow. We had June, I didn't get anything under contract and I'm sitting here scratching my head going, well, what's going on. Like, it's always a little slow, but some Junes are just bad, you know. And then this month, we have four. Like, it's just, it just comes and goes. Like you don’t know what's coming up.

Dan: Exactly. It's like, well what's your average? You're going to be like, oh, it's two deals a month is my average. Right? But that's like, it's kind of a, it's a little misleading. Someone who comes into that and they're thinking, cool - I'm going to get two deals a month. Right?

Uriah: Yeah, not day one, but it takes a while to get to that point, in my head. It has been for us, at least. I'm sure some guys can do it faster, but you know, our, my goal as a business owner has always been slow, methodical growth. You know, we have hired one employee every year since we have started and it's not been, it's just who is the best, you know, what do we need the most in our business to help it continue to grow, and I don’t, I don’t want to have a skyrocketing growth where all of the sudden I'm going, oh, I can't handle payroll. Oh, this is, you know, growing too fast and I can't, you know - all these problems. [0:27:21.0]

Dan: Let me hire more people to make more money to pay the people I hired that I don’t have the money to pay. That's what you end up doing.

Uriah: Exactly. Yeah, that's what you end up doing. You'll be like, I can't do it, and so that's why. It's like every year, like every - it has been every year we have hired somebody, not intentionally, but it's just, hey, we kind of look at things and reassess things on a yearly basis and we're trying to figure out, hey, do we need to hire anybody, a, and then second, if we do, do they need to be full time or part time, and then two, like you know, what is that, what does that look like, who is the best fit to help us.

Dan: Yeah. The other thing I would recommend if people are listening to this, is that they check out your, specifically the video you have on your website. [0:28:00.0]

I thought you guys did such a good job with that. In general, you've got some really high quality video stuff and I think you have like a YouTube channel that's got some videos on it. Can you talk a little bit about, is video like a big part of your strategy? It's funny because so many investors will call me and like, oh, you know, like no one watches my videos, and I'm like, bro, there's like a whole channel of just real estate investors of like flipping houses. Like you know what I mean? Like, it's all this, people, like 24 hours a day. Can you talk a little bit about how you, video is the thing that you want to do more of or how does that fit for you?

Uriah: Yeah. We're definitely ramping up our video side. We spend a lot of time on Instagram, to be honest with you, you know, doing stories and just kind of walking through, people through a day in the life of what we do and I try to throw in tips every once in a while. Like hey, here's, you know, I'm out here. We're doing some new construction right now. I'm out here. Here's some things we're learning and just tips for people if you're building your own house or you know, you're trying to build a new construction, just things like that. [0:29:04.3]

But as far as videos go, yeah - I actually traded for that video you see on our website, I found a guy who does video production like full time and that's his main job is editing and video and I said, hey, like I need your services but you know, is there anything I can do for you that might help? And he was like, man, my wife wants a new kitchen. I was like, okay - how about this - like, you buy the materials. I'll get all my people out there and we'll knock out and put in a new kitchen in your house and I need you to produce some videos for me.

Dan: : Wow.

Uriah: He thought that was an amazing trade, so that's what we did, which there was no money out of pocket for either of us, but it was just a straight trade because it was his, you know, he paid for materials, but he didn't know anything about it - he didn't know which cabinet line, you know, so I saved him a lot of money because we were buying stuff, we have accounts with some cabinet distributors here in town, so I could get him all the, you know, great deals on everything and get our pricing, and then again, I got a great video out of the deal because it was somebody that I knew produced really high quality videos and so that was a good way to go about it. [0:30:03.1]

Dan: That is really an awesome story. I absolutely love that, and it just kind of goes to show, like you don’t need to invest like $1,000,000 to get high quality videos, especially now. I feel like it's a lot easier to produce really highly polished stuff and if you can't do it yourself, like, find, I'm sure there's someone in your market, right now, that wants a new kitchen and you know, like, I want a new kitchen. I don’t know anything about video, but it sounds like a good trade to me. So, yeah.

Uriah: Yeah, exactly. I mean, as any flipper, you can't put together a new kitchen in somebody's house in a week, then you know, you need to get out of this business anyway. So. I know. We were able to use our skill set and help each other out and …

Dan: Well that's the perfect thing because it's the perfect deal in a lot of ways because it wasn’t, it didn't feel, it felt to you like a good deal for you and it felt to him like a great deal for him. [0:31:00.2]

And that's perfect. Right? That's exactly what you want. That is awesome. So for people listening to this, we have thrown out a couple of different things to go check out. So, if you go to AdWordsNerds.com/podcast, you can find this episode with Uriah Dortch, and I'm going to have links to, you know, TheInspiringInvestmentRaleigh.com. I'll have links to TheInspiringInvestment.com. I'll link to his YouTube channel. I'll link to everything. I'll link to everything. You can go find it in the show notes for this episode. But Uriah, if people want to kind of follow up with you, is there anywhere else that they can catch you online? You mentioned Instagram.

Uriah: Yeah. It's @ Inspiring.Investment is our Instagram handle and then email is just uriah@TheInspiringInvestment.com. So feel free to email me and yeah…

Dan: : Just bother you. Just send you tons of random stuff.

Uriah: All that you want, sure, and I'll respond to a few of them. [0:32:00.7]

Dan: Well, I don't know, I won't put your email on my website because I don’t want you to only get like, you know, people who want, you know, to have you hold their $5,000,000 bond or whatever from the emails or whatever. But I will definitely link your Instagram and everything else. And Uriah, thank you so much for being on the show, man. This was great, and I think you've really brought like a cool kind of angle to this and you're building a really amazing investment company. So I'm super happy to have you and I'll be very excited to watch you do going forward.

Uriah: Awesome, man. It's been great. Thanks for having me.

Dan: Alright Cheers.

That's it for this episode of The REIMarketingNerds podcast. As always, you can see the show notes for this episode, and all our past episodes at AdWordsNerds.com/podcast. That's AdWordsNerds.com/podcast. And please if you're listening to this and you get some value out of this show, we are just past, I think, our 50th episode. I would love if you could leave me a comment or subscription or a review wherever you listen to podcasts, wherever it is convenient for you. It helps other people find the show and I read every single one and the feedback means a ton to me. So, if you don’t mind, wherever you download this podcast, go leave me a like or a comment or a review or a star or a cookie, or whatever they got. I would really appreciate that, and as always, I will see you next week with more online marketing tips, tricks and strategies for real estate investors. Until then, have a great week, and I will talk to you soon. Bye.

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