If you’re like most investors, you didn’t become an entrepreneur to sit in an office all day fulfilling useless tasks you hate.
But if you’ve been running your business for a while, you probably have quite a few tasks on your list that you’re not 100% passionate about.
In today’s episode, you’ll find out how you can make your dream of entrepreneurship reality: Do the things you’re good at and passionate about and let others handle the stuff you hate.
Robert Nickell from Rocketstation stops by to give you the best ideas on how to make more money by working less hours as a real estate investor.
Listen now if you’re ready to free yourself from doing everything in your business!
Show highlights include:
To get the latest updates directly from Dan and discuss business with other real estate investors, join the REI marketing nerds Facebook group here: https://adwordsnerds.com/group
Need help with your online marketing? Jump on a FREE strategy session with our team. We’ll dive deep into your market and help you build a custom strategy for finding motivated seller leads online. Schedule for free here: https://adwordsnerds.com/strategy
Find out more about Robert’s business here: http://www.rocketstation.com
Get a free discovery call with Robert’s team by emailing brooks@rocketstation.com
You're listening to the REI Marketing Nerds podcast, the leading resource for real estate investors who want to dominate their market online. Dan Barrett is the founder of Ad Words Nerds, a high tech digital agency focusing exclusively on helping real estate investors like you get more leads and deals online, outsmart your competition and live a freer, more awesome life. And now, your host, Dan Barrett.
Dan: Alright, hello everybody, and welcome to this weeks' REI Marketing Nerds podcast. As always, this is Daniel Barrett, here from AdWordsNerds.com. How are you? Hope you are having an awesome week. It is transitioning into beautiful fall weather here in New England. People are walking around, sipping pumpkin spice lattes. The leaves are changing. It's hoodie weather. Basically, the best time of the year and to kick things off really properly, we are getting into a really awesome conversation with this week with Robert Nickell from Rocket Station. This is RocketStation.com. [0:01:21.7]
If you don’t Rocket Station, they are this really interesting company that helps real estate investors to design processes and systems and then helps them hire a VA to fulfill on that process. Now the reason that I'm having Robert on the show just in the interest in full transparency, I met him at a mastermind. We really clicked. We hit it off. We have a lot of very similar views on things and I decided to hire his company to help me put a system in place for my business, hire a VA to bring them in and help us serve our clients better and I have to say, I've had a really fantastic experience with them. I thought the whole process, just from front to back, was great. [0:02:02.4]
Everyone was awesome. So, I just knew I wanted to have Robert on the show. I got to tell you - one of the most common problems I see with real estate investors who start doing online marketing is that they don’t have any backend systems. Like they don’t have a followup system in place. They just don’t have anything that's going to really help them monetize the leads that they're generating. So if that's you or if you've got systems and you just need people to fulfill them or you just think your business could run more efficiently, you are going to get a ton out of this conversation. So without any further ado, let's get into my conversation with Robert Nickell.
Alright. I am here with Robert Nickell from Rocket Station. They are over at RocketStation.com. Rob, thank you so much for being on the call, man.
Rob: Really excited to be here. I appreciate your time. Big fan of yours and the podcast, so I'm getting to know you.
Dan: Ohh, I'm a big fan of yours. I meant to call you Rob, but I called you Robert in the beginning, so we'll just split the difference. We'll call you one-half the time and the other the other half of the time. [0:03:05.3]
Rob: I think you did say "Rob." I think you're just …
Dan: Well, I said "Robert" the first time and then I corrected it. So now I'm just going to …it has to be 50/50.
Rob: Alright. Well there you go - Robert is my professional name. So you can ….
Dan: So for those who don’t, who aren’t familiar, give us kind of like the 50,000 foot view of what Rocket Station is because it's a company that I personally am using now and like you know, we have spoken before and I find you guys' and like what you do really fascinating. So give people kind of like the high-low view of what is Rocket Station.
Rob: Yeah, so…back before Rocket Station was a thing, was invented, I was an investor and agent and hiring teams, managing teams, that was really hard. I found real estate pretty simple. I woke up in the morning relatively excited about certain things in my day like closing deals and working with sellers and making things happen, but I was really, really frustrated by a couple of things - one was I didn't have very good systems and processes in place so I could go make things happen. I didn't have a lot of structure. [0:04:15.9]
The second thing so I was like, you know, a slave to my business, basically. I spent all my time working in my business, had no time to really work on my business is why that was so painful. I went to bed every night pretty exhausted and kind of stressed about what I was going to do tomorrow because I never felt like I got enough done.
Dan: Yeah.
Rob: And the second thing was, you know, being in that role of investing all of my own time in the day-to-day. It's pretty exhausting, so I tried bringing on some team members and that was horrible and I was obviously not good at hiring people and all the processes I could find online and stuff, it didn't really work for me. So I went out looking for an easy button. I guess this is the real 50,000… I wanted an easy button hiring. I wanted somebody to help me with the structure, help me find the right people, help me onboard and create accountability and then let me create the outcomes, which are looking for, because nobody wants to hire people. [0:05:12.0]
We just want to get more stuff done and we want more productivity or we want to get some of our time back. Right? So I was looking for a solution where I could have an easy button as a real estate investor, as a real estate, on the retail side too as an agent and it didn't really exist. There were some companies that made some big promises, but they didn't have what I was really looking for, so starting in 2011, really more in 2012 and then full blown in 2013, we just have helped people in real estate get structured, build systems and processes and then find the right people to fill whatever pain points people have in their business as the process you went through.
Dan: So, I was curious because we met… I mean, we have kind of like been in each other's circles for awhile, but we sort of met in person relatively recently and obviously, now you, you know, you're sort of behind this company that specializes in systems and processes and yeah, just like you mentioned, like I've gone through some of your guys' system as a client and like really seen - it's incredibly well, sort of designed system behind the scenes. [0:06:21.5]
Everything runs very smoothly. Everybody I've interacted with at the company has been awesome and like super smart and super professional and it's been a great process. So knowing you now, right, and seeing that, it's surprising to me to hear that like part of your issue in the beginning was that you didn't have systems, or really know how to do that for yourself. So what was the process like for you, all the way back in the beginning of learning how to do that, what you needed? How did you figure that stuff out for yourself?
Rob: Yeah. So, I'm going to learn first, implement. I like to study enough to give me enough confidence to then go implement because the real learning happens whenever you go do, right, in that implementation. [0:07:08.3]
It's like no matter how much you sit there and study and read bigger pockets, you never really quite get there if you don’t go actually implement. Right? So I just learning as just enough to go implement. So as an implementer, I am out, just figuring it out. So that meant marketing. I could make the phone ring. I was answering the phone and then running comps and then following up with sellers to set appointments where I needed to go. Right? And then driving neighborhoods before appointments to get a feel for the comps and the neighborhoods and put my CMA together and then I'd go meet with the sellers and I'd come back to the car and have 15 missed calls that I would then try to figure out what I was going to do with while I was driving back to the next appointment. Right? Or wherever I was going next and driving all over the place, and I'm in Dallas Fort Worth here, and traffic is terrible, so I'm figuring all that out. I was just doing it. Right? And then every evening, I was going to some different title company party or something social networking thing to both meet title companies and kiss babies and shake hands and do all of those networking things, to just be involved in community of real estate here throughout the Metroplex. [0:08:14.5]
So I was just kind of doing everything. So systems and processes - I had to become pretty tight with what I was doing but that was like three to four transactions a month is what I could get through, and I was busting my butt working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and I knew what I was doing. I was out there crushing it. Right? But just like the sheer amount of work, you email a title company and they respond, "Hey, where's your articles of organization?" And you want to give them the bird because it was in the first email. You have to kindly respond with it attached, "Here you go." You want to say like, "Again. Here you go, again." But I don’t. It's like, "Here you go." You know, like all that stuff takes so much time. So I had systems and processes, but it was just in my head. Right? It was all upstairs. So then other people would, you know, they would come into my office because I'd put ads on Craigslist or I hired one of my best friends out of college for a little while, so people would come into the office and the way I would train them, is like they would just sit next to me all day or get in the car with me and they…I would just talk to them and show them or screen share or try to record things and just by osmosis hope they would absorb the information, and then they would either kind of figure it out or not. [0:09:27.1]
Most of the time, they didn't. It was such a terrible process. I felt like it took more time to teach somebody to do the job than it did just to do it myself. So, that's what I meant by no systems and processes. Like, I knew what I was doing. I knew what it would take to get the phone to ring. Right? I was doing a ton of direct mail and lots of other ways to do marketing. So I was doing all those things. I had systems and processes and then I had schedules and I knew what I was doing, but having it all written down in a way that I could transfer that knowledge to somebody else, a repeatable process that someone else could go execute? No way, man. I was not even close. [0:10:04.4]
And so when I first started hiring people, that was the biggest roadblock. I didn't even know that. I didn't know that that's the foundation to success and I think most people really miss that. Most people want, it's like, you want the outcome - right - so you want a lead manager or you want somebody to run comps or you want whatever these outcomes are that people are looking for. Right? So we just go look for that person. But strategy has to precede implementation - the same way with marketing - you have to really think about, hey, who am I going after - who is my avatar - who am I really trying to talk to - is it everybody? Probably not. Right? So you've got to really have a strategy. That's…in marketing, you think about it. You guys, that's what you do all day long. Right? Dan,- you and your clients - it's like put this strategy down and then you go implement. Now you don’t start by just going let's just go talk to people. It's like who is the right people? Right? So that strategy that you've got to go implement, that's what most people miss. They just jump right into, oh, somebody to do these three things. Well, what happens whenever the phone is not ringing and whatever and it's Wednesday afternoon, it's 3 o'clock and you're sitting there - you got to tell somebody what to do randomly? Like that's horrible. That's really, really painful. [0:11:16.7]
Dan: I feel like, too, you kind of hit on it where it's the question is almost kind of not like … because people think of systems as like do I know how to do it, right, and they're like, I know how to write a comp or whatever, but if you ask someone to actually write it down, all of the sudden it's very different. I think you kind of hit on that where it's like you might have a system but if you can't write it down or it isn't written down anywhere, it's just kind of in your head, you don’t really have a system. You just have a feel for how you do stuff.
Rob: Yeah. It's like, to be super cliché and cheesy about it, it's the conversation we always have in public and at mastermind we're a part of all the time - it's like we do this whole knowledge is what, and everybody is like power. [0:12:01.5]
Dan: : Right.
Rob: It's like knowledge is what? Power. It's like, well, isn't it? It's like without the right kind of implementation and execution behind the knowledge, like the knowledge is just kind of, you know, it's loaded …it's like dry powder. It's potential power but it's not. The same way… that's all the stuff that's in your head. Right? It's like you've got all this power up in your head and you've got all this knowledge, but you can't do anything with it. You can't transfer that to somebody else. Like that's the hard part. And then, writing it down? Like man, I call that brain damage. My team that calls execution. Right? Like that's why you went through that process with someone that wasn’t me. You went through that with I don't know how many of my team members you met, but probably several…
Dan: Yeah.
Rob: …because they're all experts in creating systems and processes and the maps that are the roadmap, the structure of your business, which sets the foundation for then, hey, let's go find a rock star to execute that. Right? [0:13:00.3]
So instead of looking for the rock star first, it's like let's create the plan and that's what all those team members did with you, like that plan is the foundation. Right? That's your stability. That's everything. That's what makes you sleep good at night. That's what makes you feel good is knowing you got the right plan in place. Then going and putting the right team members in place to execute that plan, to me, that's the success for everyone. There's no easy button. There's no easy way, but to me, that's the process. That's the easiest way to get to the right outcome.
Dan: Like having a process is the easy way. Right? I was…You said, so your cliché was like knowledge is power and I was like, that's true but a very famous philosopher named GI Joe once said that knowing is only half the battle. So there you go. There you go. Just mash it together. It all works out.
Rob: Exactly.
Dan: So let me ask you a super nerdy question, a super nerdy question. I'm assuming that you guys have like systems and processes very well mapped out for your own business. Right? You do this all the time. How do you, like where do you write this down and store that? Is this like in a Google Spreadsheet? Like how do you physically like make that… [0:14:10.3]
Rob: Great question. It's a super common question. We can do this a couple of ways. I'll start with how we do it internally. So we have an internal LMS system, Learning Management System, where you know, just like membership sites that people are very familiar with, we have an internal membership site for our team members with training videos where day 1, they literally start, right here, day 1. Right? And they work through new hire orientation and onboarding. It's a combination of both live implementation and classes. The classes, like the online stuff, is mostly for, you know, we have got lots of things to do for like HR and things like for corporate concern rights. So we do do those things so they have to check the right boxes and that's for your best interest. Right? We're making sure that you and our client partners are protected and we're taking all that labor liability away from you. So that process, it first starts with like this online grind, going through new hire orientation, which is just HR stuff that none of you guys want to go through. That's why we take it on. [0:15:10.5]
Dan: Yes. Nobody wants to do that.
Rob: No. But that's… you're asking me what we do - that's literally what we do is we put people through these online courses. Then once then go through all these online courses, then they come into live training, for us personally. That's what they do. But implementing, like with your business, as you'll see, our team… and you're already going through this experience, our team is creating that training for you and what that looks like for you is both written and video. So, you'll have every bit of these processes written out. It first starts and you know, either Gliffy or whatever program. I think they're using Gliffy to create the box charts that create the flows.
Dan: Okay.
Rob: Right? So the process, the decision trees, where it's either like for example lead management - when leads come in. They're motivated. They're not interested. It's dead or it's basically agent lead. There's only one of really four things that can really happen. [0:16:02.4]
So but then with each one of those dispositions, you've got to move the lead to certain, creating the boxes that connect. Okay - what happens if it's a warm lead? Okay, we need to set an appointment, and we're going to set the appointment with the acquisition manager and it's going to be between 10 and 3, Tuesday through Friday. Right? That would make all those boxes connect. Then, we actually write it out. So you'll see our teams actually write out, step by step, www.matrix.com - what is the user name and password - they'll actually do that. Then as they're going through that process, they'll screen record, going through that whole process. So we have those three levels of training. We, our teams, will then implement with your teams. Right? So they'll… that's why they have that couple days of extra learning there. We just call that CT, the same way the agents and brokers call their continued education. They've got to get familiar with your systems and processes. Right? Which is what they're doing right now. [0:17:00.6]
It's really going through that last step of they don’t have to learn whatever CRM you're doing. They just have to learn the way you use it. Right? They know object mapping. They know how to work through dispositions. They know what they're doing. They just don’t know your business, so they …Greg and the team built that process with you up front, right - the systems, the boxes, writing it all out, creating the scopes, creating the videos. Now, next time you hire somebody in that role, it's like now you get to pretend it's a lever or a knob that you're turning.
Dan: Right.
Rob: Because you've gone through it. You created the systems and processes one time. That's all it really takes. But now those are living documents. So who do you think is responsible for updating all of your training, Dan, that's getting created for your team going forward? Are you going to have to go in there and update all of that stuff or is it going to be person responsible for maintaining those tasks every day? Do you think they're going to be responsible for updating that tree?
Dan: Right. It should be the person doing the task, right? The person closest to task should update the document, right? [0:18:00.4]
Rob: Right. When user names and passwords change, who is responsible for just changing those line items on either the Excel sheet or the Word document that's either in Drive or Dropbox? Those are the two we primarily use, but you know, some of our clients are on AWS and other things. But it's, we internally use an LMS system because we're hiring about 80 people a month right now. So we want to have a lot of structure to push people through to make sure there's nothing missed. Then we have a big facilitation team that's for 6-8 weeks, putting them through live scenarios and answering questions and doing all of that and then creating that onboarding process that you've gone through. That's how we're matching the right people to the right team because we have got…
Dan: You have structure there in that program. [0:18:47.2]
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Dan: Yeah. I think, you know, it's interesting for me kind of coming to Rocket Station from the outside, it was interesting kind of like my perception of what it was going to be like versus what it was actually like. Right? And I'm still in the middle of the process, but like, you know, when I was first kind of told about Rocket Station, I was like, okay, you know, you provide VAs, you provide hiring services. Right? But really, it's I think a huge part of the value is helping us design a service. Like we were developing a new role that I wanted to put someone in and so when I got on the call with someone from the team, you know, they weren't just like, tell us exactly what to do - they were like, well, have you thought about this - what about that - and we sort of like had this process where we were, you know, started to design this whole new system with the team and they were super, super helpful. [0:20:07.6]
And I think that's a…it's a huge value add because I think a lot of people… you know, we were talking about this before the call - I think a lot of people have had an experience where you know, they went on some website. They hired someone to be a VA and it just didn't work out because either they didn't have the systems in place or they didn't have the right expectations or they didn't hire someone that had the right qualifications or whatever it is. So why don’t you give me kind of like the…both of us work with real estate investors. We both see a lot of people, I'm assuming, kind of from across the spectrum, people who are like super high level investors, everything like dialed into a tee and then like the person who's like, I just saw a free seminar about real estate investing and I bought my next door neighbor's house for like 10 times higher than market value or whatever. You know. They're just starting out. What do you think are kind of like the…if you had to pick one or two sort of applications for your service that really produce a lot of value for most people, like, kind of like the most common pain points where Rocket Station can come in and kind of smooth that - what do you think that is, for either of those or for both of those kind of investors? [0:21:19.6]
Rob: Yeah. So, if we can just back up just a little bit.
Dan: No. No. We can't back up.
Rob: We talked about how at a high level, when you're bringing on team members, what is really the point of that? What is really the purpose? Is it to do the task in the day-to-day or is it to create some kind of outcome? Right? And so real estate to transactional business, which means we go do the same process over and over and over and over again, it's mostly a science, real estate is, with a little bit of art, with some nuance to it and the better you are at kind of navigating the nuance, the better you'll be able to be in the business. Right? [0:22:00.5]
But most of the processes, same thing over and over and over again. Running comps and putting CMA packets together in certain neighborhoods, in certain markets is the same process over and over and over and over again. Right? And so, to me, it's the most common question we get is, hey, what can a virtual assistant do for me or what should I outsource first. I want to say, hey, what would maximize your time? It's about utilization. It's about highest and best use of your time. Do you have any team members? What were they hired to do and what is highest and best use of their time? So most of us, if you ask anybody what do you do every day, what's your job description? They're going to start naming 37 things and they can write down 100 different things that they do all day, but if you look at where time is allocated, it's like people really don’t have any idea where they're spending their time. They just know they get through the day and it's the same thing with their team members. They just know they're getting through their day. [0:23:01.0]
So the first thing I like to do and that's the process you have gone through with that discovery call, the purpose of that discovery call is to take a few steps back and say, hey, if you could run the business the way you really wanted it to go - right - if we take a step back and say, hey, if we built the business without compromise, what would that actually look like? Because your time is valuable. Your team members' time is valuable. So how do we maximize that? So if we took your time and we maximized it, whether it's through technology or other people's time, how could we either do more transactions, ultimately make more money or with the same amount of money if we could get our time back, I know a lot of people who they would love to make the exact same amount of money but just work fewer hours, and if they could accomplish that, that would be a huge win. So the first thing is kind of look at where you are, what you have going on, what the real goal is. Is it transactions or is it efficiency? [0:24:01.7]
Because efficiency gets your time back. Right? Efficiency is harder process to go through because you got to be willing to slow down and grind through it with Greg and our development team and those workforce management experts to really figure it out and clean up efficiencies, right? That's where you really get time back. But so, for me, the first thing, it's utilization. So if you've got high paid team members, you know, one of our vice presidents came from Colorado Springs with his family from Air Force Academy and his friend, you know, he's very high paid W2 employee - he is only responsible for highest and best use things. He doesn’t manage his calendar. He doesn’t respond to followup emails. He doesn’t do the day to day stuff. He's got someone helping. He and his wife, they've got two kids, managing their crazy calendars and their taxi schedule you know, from all the events and things you do as a family and stuff. So it's about utilization. What's the highest and best use? It depends. For him, I got to take all the day to day monotony off his plate because that is hours and hours and hours of stuff that I'm not paying him to do. [0:25:05.8]
For other people, for example, acquisition management, people who are paid to meet with sellers, Dan, and get deals, how many of us have them working late, doing follow up, actually doing some research online? They're responsible for lead management by being in the CRM, doing all of these things that's not meeting with sellers. Like everybody calls me and they want more leads and they want to do marketing and they want to dump it on the front end because they want to do more deals. I'm like, hey guys, if we slow down a little bit and we just capitalize on what's there better, by leveraging the team members you already have, then chances are you can do more deals spending the same amount of money essentially. Let's just capitalize on what's there. Right? Let's have…let's hire an inside sales person, a lead manager to follow up on all these leads that I know you think you're working but it's really top level work and then we call a few hundred leads that are sitting in the CRM that haven't been updated in the last few months and generate a couple of deals. [0:26:05.4]
It's hard for me to tell you there's anything more valuable than that. Right? So, it really just depends on your business. It depends on where you are. It's about utilization, though. It's about finding those spots in your business that can really either allow you to do more deals or get some of your time back and that was the purpose of that discovery call. Same way with you - you know, you came in not looking as a real estate investor, but it's the same process. Like we wanted to go and say, alright, what's the most efficient way to get you to your outcome. It's not always hiring more people. Sometimes, it's leveraging technology. And if that's the case, we want to implement that first with you because we're looking for highest and best use of what you've got going. It's about your business and your outcomes, right?
Dan: Yeah. Let's think about it - that's a really good segway. Right? So, to everybody listening - so I went though the development call that he's talking about, which was kind of like my initial call with the Rocket Station team. I did get a ton of value of it and I think it's really, really useful. So we talked a little bit before the call. [0:27:05.1]
You were saying that for people who are listening to the podcast, anybody can get on a 30 to 45-minute call with your development team. So what's the best way for them to do that if they want to jump on this? Because again, this is something that I went through like before we had the schedule, purely as a client and I got a ton out of it, even before I decided to sign up for Rock Station. So for people that are interested in that, how would they do that?
Rob: Yeah, so the discovery call, the purpose of it is really to lay the groundwork for the plan that would be executed. Right? So it's really just creating structure to say if we were to go execute a plan, if we were going to go implement, here is kind of the 30,000 overview and then we would create next steps from there. Right? So anybody who's really serious about implementation and leveraging other people's time, are curious how a VA could help them, like if you have questions like, I get it - I get it - they're rambling about all this random stuff, but what could a VA do for me? Then yeah, in 30 or 45 minutes, these guys can create a custom plan for you and map out a big percentage of your business and also answer any questions you have - about not just virtual team members but utilizing the current team members that you have. Right? [0:28:13.8]
So, Greg Brooks is director of business development. He manages that whole team and his email is brooks@rocketstation.com. So Greg Brooks, brooks@rocketstation.com. They are literally assistant to workforce manager experts. You saw, they can put a time study on, you know, some of our larger clients, they'll get 1200 calls a week. Right? So we create time management studies for those people to show where and when their workforce should be distributed across the day because they're not getting an equal number of calls 24/7. Right? So whether you're somebody that is massive in size or you've just got a few things going, where all of your team members wear multiple hats, which is really where most people are, right, that's why that 30, 45-minute discovery call, that customized plan is so valuable because we all operate a little bit differently, but Greg and the team, Brooks@rockstation.com, they can answer any questions people have. [0:29:14.8]
Dan: Yeah. So, you know, to everyone listening to this podcast, this is something I highly recommend that you do. It's… like I said, I got a ton of value out of it. I went in, being honest, like not 100% sold on the whole idea of bringing someone additional onto the team but the people at Rocket Station do a really good job and I don’t get …correct me if I'm wrong … I'm not getting paid for saying this at all. I don’t get a referral fee. I should, but I'm not. So you know, I would recommend that you go and do that and they have a lot of cool stuff over at the website as well, just kind of like free information, you want to dig into it a little bit more. I'm very excited about it in general. We have had a great experience. I'm really excited to get someone in and kind of working on that stuff. For the people that want to kind of follow you a little bit more, kind of want to know more about what you're doing, Rob, what's the best way to follow you online? Is it just RocketStation.com or do you social media or anything like that? [0:30:08.6]
Rob: Yeah, exactly. RocketStation.com. We have got a pretty good Facebook page. I'm starting to upload some really good content on. So just hit us up on Facebook. You can also follow me personally on Facebook, but yeah, RocketStation.com is the best place to go. We're constantly going to be updating lots of great content there. The goal is to provide as much resources there as possible, to give people enough confidence to take action because we know what's really all about.
Dan: Can I also say too, Rocket Station has some pretty sick swag. Every time I see you, you're like wearing some kind of cool, yeah, Rocket Station swag. You have a shirt on now. When I saw you at the mastermind, you were wearing like a bright yellow sneaks to like match the logo and everything. So I think there is something to be said for that, too. It's that fashion sense, not super common in real estate investing. I don’t know why that is. But yeah, well, Rob, thank you so much for being here, man. [0:31:00.9]
I really appreciate it and you do something I think a lot of our listeners and clients could really benefit from. I appreciate you coming on and sharing a little bit about what you do.
Rob: I really appreciate you, Dan, and this means a lot to me that you'd spend the time and have me on. It's super cool. You've been at this a long time. I started following you guys long before I was even doing VAs because I started investing back in 2008, so you guys were… you were one of the first ones putting out consistent blogs and doing something a little unique that wasn’t so standard WordPress, dry. You had a little bit different edge to what you guys had going on, so super cool. I appreciate you very much. It's been a lot of fun.
Dan: Awesome. Thank you so much. I appreciate that. I will…I’m sure you're going to be back on here soon, so we will talk to you again very soon.
Rob: Thanks a lot. [0:31:48.6]
Dan: That is going to do it for this conversation with Rob Nickell from RocketStation.com. Go check them out. Like he said, if you are interested in getting a discovery call from them, go ahead and email them. Now I'm going to have links to their website as well as the email for you to get that discovery call over at AtWordsNerds.com/podcast. So just go to AdWordsNerds.com/podcast. You can find show notes from this episode and all our other episodes and as always, if you are not a member of our free Facebook group at the REI Marketing Nerds Facebook group, I got to tell you, you got to get in there. It's an amazing resource. I'm in there every day, posting high quality content. We have great real estate investors posting their tips and tricks. We constantly scan it for spam. We don’t allow any low quality posts. It is one of the best places for real estate investors to hang out online. Again, that's the REI Marketing Nerds Facebook group. You can get there by going to AdWordsNerds.com/group. That's AdWordsNerds.com/group. I will talk to you next week. Have an awesome rest of your day and cheers, everybody.
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We’ve had the privilege of knowing and working with Nick for over a decade. He’s a successful entrepreneur and real estate investors whose done over 1,500 deals, mostly with PPC. He’s passionate about sharing his expertise and helping others achieve similar success through his specialized training program the 7 Figure Cartel. Nick’s journey has involved
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