Social Media for Real Estate Investors

Real Estate Investing Instagram: Best Practices for Lead Generation

Source: Pexels

It’s a good year to invest in real estate. With historically low mortgage rates and high demand for apartments, you’d do well to leverage current conditions before they fizzle out.

However, you are not alone in today’s market. You will have to build your brand, compete for tenants, and find motivated sellers. 

When it comes to these goals, look towards Instagram to help you bolster your real estate lead generation campaign.

Here’s how you can maximize this platform for enhancing your real estate investing game.

Use high-quality images

Since Instagram is an image-sharing platform, you will need to use high-quality photos for all of your posts. 

Use a high-end phone camera to capture important areas such as the kitchen and the bedrooms. Using a filter is optional. You just need to make sure each area is well-lit and staged properly.

Do a short video tour

Instagram lets you post videos with a maximum duration of 60 seconds. It seems short, but it’s actually enough to feature the most important parts of the property. 

You can add commentary to the video or use relaxing background music as you go from room to room. If you think a minute isn’t enough to attract seller leads or tenants, you can start an Instagram Live video for a maximum of 60 minutes.

Highlight lifestyle amenities

What amenities can make the property stand out? Pet-friendly areas, workspaces, and fitness centers are just some of the features that people nowadays prefer.

If potential buyers know that you have the right amenities, they are bound to inquire or submit an offer. Feature these amenities in your Instagram posts and add detailed descriptions for each one.

Use the right hashtags

You can’t post an image or a video on Instagram without adding appropriate hashtags. 

In reaching out to the right audience, you need hashtags that are related to the property you are selling. You can include the amenities, the location of the property, and other relevant information.

By using the right hashtags, you can make your property visible to people who are following these hashtags, grow brand awareness, and attract potential tenant leads and networks.

Leverage Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories is a feature that lets you create microcontent. You only need to prepare a collection of related images to post per week.

Through Instagram Stories, you are able to identify who has been viewing these images. You will see the usernames of people who interacted with these images.

From there, you can reach out to them to see if they are interested in the property.

Optimize your profile

When people see your post on their feed, they might pay your Instagram profile a visit.

Make sure your profile includes your location and your line of business whether you are a multifamily syndicator or a commercial property investor.

Don’t forget to include a link to your website or LinkedIn account so you can drive traffic to these platforms and take your interactions a step further. 

Instagram has a lot to offer real estate investors. It’s just a matter of being creative with the tools and features that the platform is known for.

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