Naming Successor Trustee: Estate Planning for Real Estate Investors

Today, we are going to tackle a serious topic: management of the investment properties in your portfolio after your passing. This is also known as estate planning and it also concerns decisions about your portfolio until you expire, so don’t discard it right away – it’s more than simply jotting down a will. Will vs

Starting a real estate investing business ain’t easy. But you know what’s even more difficult? Scaling your business so it reaches heights you can’t wrap your head around. This is where many investors trap themselves in the mundane parts of their business, which suffocates true growth. But you don’t have to fall into this trap

Investment Property Checklist for Novice Real Estate Investors

When you invest in real estate, you have to do your homework. Many aspects of the deal can go wrong, and if you don’t introduce a process to do your due diligence on a property, you can lose both yours and someone else’s money. Generally speaking, investments in hard assets are more secure than investments

What To Expect From Local REI Groups and REI Forums?

Whether you consider becoming a real estate investor or you’ve just started and are still new to the real estate investing world, you should know that building a network is one of the most important things you can do to build and grow your business. This includes visiting events, meetings, conferences, but also virtually connecting

55 Famous Quotes About Investing in Real Estate

The best way to grow professionally is to be in the presence of greatness. Reading about what the greats have to say is second-best, which is why, in this article, we’ll share quotes from investors who’ve been successful in real estate. The idea is that you may find some of these quotes intriguing enough to