Facebook Marketing tips for Real Estate Investors

Facebook marketing makes a lot of sense for real estate investors. It offers REI’s lowest cost per thousand impressions (CPM) compared to both traditional and digital marketing channels. And it’s also the most diligent way to target and track your audience (more on that below). But Facebook is more than an ad-slinging weapon. REI’s can

Do you ever feel stuck in business or life? The past couple of weeks have been rough for me. Nothing is going right in any area of my life. This happens to everybody — especially entrepreneurs.  And it’s a lot more dangerous if you own your own business.  Here’s why:  When it feels like everything’s

There are two types of real estate investors: Investors who think short-term and investors who think long-term. Short-term investors do everything in their power to squeeze every cent from their current deal. Long-term investors not only worry about their current deal, but every possible deal that comes as a result of their current ones. Only

Source: Pexels It’s a good year to invest in real estate. With historically low mortgage rates and high demand for apartments, you’d do well to leverage current conditions before they fizzle out. However, you are not alone in today’s market. You will have to build your brand, compete for tenants, and find motivated sellers.  When

Most real estate investors think they’re competing against other local investors. But that’s not quite true. In reality, all local real estate investors compete against Big Tech companies in Silicon Valley. And it’s an unfair competition. These Big Tech companies have an unlimited amount of money. They even take losses on deals as long as