SEO For Real Estate Investors

The Ultimate Guide to Online Real Estate Ads

Image by shutterstock.com

Are your online real estate ads not performing as well as you’d like? Creating ads for real estate properties takes a special touch, and it’s easy to waste your advertising budget if you’re not making the right choices.

In this guide, you’re going to learn some things that you always need to keep in mind when creating real estate ads. These guidelines apply to ads on almost any platform, from Google search ads to social media ads and banners.

The four rules you need to know are:

  • Always be specific about the location
  • Take time to perfect your targeting
  • Use high-quality, professional images
  • Customize your ads based on platform

Below, you’ll learn more about why these rules matter and how to put them into practice. We’ll start by looking at why it’s important to be as specific as possible about the location.

Always be specific about the location

Your location is one of the most important considerations in whether a property is a valuable investment. The same principle applies to real estate ads, but for different reasons.

With real estate ads, you have to remember that the location is the biggest factor in whether someone is likely to be interested in a property. If you launch an ad but don’t make the location completely clear before someone clicks through, you just wasted a view.

Anyone who sees your ad is unlikely to click on it at all if they can’t tell where the property is located. Drive the most (relevant) traffic through your ads by making sure that the location is always prominently displayed. It’s best to include multiple details, including:

  • State
  • City
  • Counties
  • Neighborhoods

You may find it helpful to feature local landmarks as images in the ads if you’re trying to feature multiple properties. This will serve as an instant signal to people who might be interested.

Take time to perfect your targeting

Compared to consumer goods, there is a relatively narrow market for properties. Only a small segment of the people who are exposed to online ads will have the funds available to invest in real estate. For that reason, your targeting has to be as detailed as possible.

No matter what platform you choose to use (such as Google Ads or Facebook), you need to make sure that you are narrowly targeting people at the right income levels to match the properties you are promoting. There’s no better way to waste advertising dollars than to target people who can’t buy your properties even if they wanted them.

Fortunately, most major ad networks have this capability. Facebook introduced household income percentages in 2019. You can now direct your ads to people who are in the top 5% to 20% of income.

Google Ads has offered income targeting for several years now. However, it is currently only available in Australia, Brazil, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States. It allows you to target income ranges from the top 10% all the way down to the lower 50%.

Make sure that you make use of this targeting based on the cost of the properties you’re marketing. You should also closely target:

  • Locations
  • Life stage (for example, most people under 20 aren’t buying properties. Most people under 40 aren’t buying vacation properties)
  • Other property-dependent factors

Use high-quality, professional images

Images are essential to communicating the value of any kind of real estate. Even if you do everything else perfectly, people are going to ignore your ads and listings if they don’t visually “sell” the property.

If you have a lot of experience with photography, you can create these images yourself. You’ll need enough access to the property to highlight the areas that are most important to people (such as the curbside look, the main rooms, and the outdoor features such as patios).

If you really want your ads to perform, you may need to hire a professional to handle the photography. This can come at a high cost. However, the cost of hundreds of ads not delivering any solid leads is usually higher.

People expect to see excellent images if they’re even going to consider making a large investment. Poor mobile phone-quality images can make you look unprofessional. They may even lead some potential buyers to think you are a scammer advertising a property you don’t own so you can steal contact information or deposits.

Customize your ads based on platform

It’s a good idea to launch ads on multiple major platforms if you’re serious about selling a property. If you’re going to go that far, you should also do the work of customizing the ads to fit the audience that each network is reaching.

On some networks, you’ll have a lot of room to use text to make your point. You should not make the mistake of trying to cut your message down when building ads for the networks where you don’t. Instead, create a new message that’s designed for the new limits.

Launch better online real estate ads

Selling real estate is difficult. You need to develop a significant amount of authority and trust to get anyone to even consider taking the next step. You can get better at doing that by attracting the most precise audience with location and income targeting. You can create desire by using high-quality images and customizing your ads to fit each platform.

When you’ve done all of this, you’ll be reaching people who are primed to convert.

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