
The real estate cycle, just like everything else, has ebbs and flows. The difference between the successful real estate investors from the amateurs is that they know how to get in front of the flow curve to maximize their profits. If you want to set yourself up for success, you need to pay attention to

Most real estate investors hear the same, played out advice: Focus on one thing to be exceptional in the marketplace. But will narrowing your focus get you ahead quickly, or are you leaving money on the table? Most investors, fooled by this advice, don’t even attempt to build multiple services. The result? They end up

Most people get into real estate investing and try to do everything on their own.  They try to find their own deals, put in their own money and even try to do the “sweat” work all by themselves. This is a recipe for disaster and burnout. If you want to clear 7 and 8 figures

The future of real estate is changing with technology finally catching up.  With anything that technology touches, it leads to more efficiency.  This scares many as old ways of doing things become obsolete and real estate investors fear losing profits. That’s the bad news. The good news? By embracing new ways of doing things, technology

Real estate construction costs have gone through the roof!  With inflation hitting every sector, real estate investors are feeling the pinch as their profits are being slashed. The solution to these high construction prices is simple… Use technology to deflate the cost of construction.  Now, you can build a one-bedroom apartment pod and turn it