Great marketing is always based in truth. But that doesn’t mean it’s always based in reality. Here’s what I mean: Even if a given marketing strategy has a 99% success rate, it still fails 1% of the time. I’ve been seeing a bunch of marketing targeted at real estate investors that claims to solve all
Image by Paul Brennan on PublicDomainPictures Do you want to make social media marketing part of the way you promote real estate? This is a great decision. Modern social media platforms give you access to huge audiences, great audience targeting, and a collection of promotion tools, some of which are often free. Social media marketing
Google rolled out a new link spam update to their SEO algorithm on Jul 27, 2021. Will this new update affect your site’s rankings? If you were involved in manipulating Google’s algorithm by using spammy “hacks,” then your results might suffer. And even if you weren’t manipulating Google, your site still could be affected. Google’s
Image by Are your online real estate ads not performing as well as you’d like? Creating ads for real estate properties takes a special touch, and it’s easy to waste your advertising budget if you’re not making the right choices. In this guide, you’re going to learn some things that you always need to