
  Check out this awesome Facebook ads hack for efficiently following up with Motivated Sellers. What if you could show specific ads to motivated sellers… Based on what pages of your site they read? Or if they opened your emails? SUPER powerful technique here. I break the whole thing down in this video.Let me know

The REI market isn’t looking rosy right now: New investors are pouring into every market and the economy is taking a dive—while the amount of motivated sellers hasn’t changed much. It sounds like you should be afraid and get ready for a slump. While some of that might be true, you can actually use an

Many investing businesses start slowly. They inch closer to their first few deals and then generate a few leads before they carve out their own space in the market. While this process takes years for most investors, today’s guest David Bokman has leapfrogged the journey to investing success with his company Philly Home Investor, taking

You might have already realized this when you talk to homeowners, but there are many people who are jaded, who get called by greedy investors and find never-changing postcards in their mailbox. And there certainly are greedy real estate sharks preying on anyone who could make them a buck. Luckily, well-intentioned investors can make a

Overwhelm is one of the biggest challenges real estate investors face today. Maybe you’re confused by all the choices, tactics and strategies you have. And who could blame you? There are more celebrity investors, coaching programs, books and seminars than ever before, all claiming to teach how to become a successful investor. You end up