
As an investor, you’re not just investing: For your REI business to afford you the lifestyle you want, you also need to do everything else that makes a successful business run. And while lead gen, marketing and other things are important, no investor has ever been successful without being able to sell. You could be

No matter how much you love real estate investing, some parts of it are boring and repetitive. You have to do these things over and over again. Whether you hate paperwork, the never-changing phone calls or the chaos of email follow-up, repetition is the most annoying part of any investing business. After all, you became an investor to break free from the drivel of work you hate.

Whether you market your real estate business with postcards, bandit signs or online marketing, you market for one thing: Deals.
Now, you can do marketing which sends a trickle of leads to your business, allowing you to close a deal every once in a while. There’s nothing wrong with that.
But if you want to flood your business with enough motivated sellers you’ll have to turn some of them down, you can’t do ordinary marketing—you need to create a buzz around your business.

When you learn about online marketing for your real estate business, you eventually have to learn about data. Data is everywhere and investors from the lowest to the highest levels tout the value of data.
But with data being such a buzzword, it’s hard to know which data people talk about and how to use it.

two people shaking hands

If you’re not a natural people person or extrovert (or, even if you are), meeting your first client can be scary. You just got your first lead! Maybe it was a form filled out on your website, or a phone call from someone who got your mailer. And now, they want to meet you, have you