

If you want to scale your REI business, you’re probably thinking about all the marketing tactics, the technology, and who and when to hire help. But sometimes, things are much simpler: Jesse Trujillo does 80 flips in a year in a very competitive market on the back of just relationships. In this episode, you’ll hear

Some investors can run their business on “easy mode”. They’re the only real estate investors in a small market and get all the deals. Sure, they have their challenges too. But they have it easier than you if you’re in a big city full of competitors preying on your leads. If you want to make

Many investors start out extremely excited about all the opportunities in real estate, imagining the life they can live once they profit off of their new business. But more often than not, success doesn’t happen as quickly as they thought it would. They come to believe investing is a year-long slog before the deal-closing and

Getting started as an investor is the hardest part. You’ve got all this information, but you don’t know where to start. And while you watch others close deals and quit their day jobs, you’re still stuck in the “getting started” phase. Today’s guest, Dara Abasute, took action right away instead of waiting for everything to

Today, Dan is joined by Kevin Bupp, a real estate expert who specializes in parking lots and mobile home parks. Kevin will tell us his story of starting out as a young entrepreneur and how he found great success in these unusual investment areas. Discover why investing in things like parking lots and mobile homes