blue ocean strategy

The struggle for getting a consistent flow of leads for real estate investors is real, so every bit of help in the process counts. In this article, we will turn to a book which is popular among entrepreneurs – Blue Ocean Strategy by Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne – for fresh ideas on lead generation.

What’s the best marketing channel? Every real estate investor wants to use the best marketing channels. They want to close as many deals as possible while spending the least amount on ads. Many of the channels get a bunch of hype, but they might not be the best fit for you. Here’s the bad news:

Negative Keywords for AdWords That Every Real Estate Investor Should Have

Real estate investor using PPC? This public service announcement about negative keywords is for you: If you’re running AdWords to generate motivated seller leads, your negative keywords are just as important as your positive ones! Every Real Estate Investor wants to know “the right keywords to target” in order to bring in more motivated seller

Top SEO Keywords for Real Estate Investors That You Don't Want To Miss

SEO efforts pay off. This becomes evident as soon as real estate investors start to consider growing their online marketing. Optimizing the use of keywords helps your website rank higher in organic searches, which means you get more visitors to the site. More visitors, in turn, translate into more leads. And if you look at

9 Tips for Your Next Yellow Letter + 9 Templates

Yes, you’ve read that right – we will talk about letters. There is such a thing as a real estate investor letter and many businesses close deals on leads obtained through these letters. While most of the communication for finding motivated sellers is done digitally (social networks, email marketing, Google Adwords, etc.), the success of