For Newbies, PPC For Real Estate Investors

How to Generate Real Estate Leads with Multi-Channel Marketing

I always emphasize the importance of utilizing multi-channel marketing in the real estate industry. Competition is high. Every real estate investor is fighting for what you want—motivated seller leads.

In order for multi-channel marketing to work for your real estate business, you need to understand how each channel can work for you! This will also help to determine which channels you should put more of your focus on in regards to your target market and demographics.

Online vs Offline Marketing

Multi-channel marketing usually utilizes a mixture of both online and offline marketing strategies. In the real estate industry, I highly recommend you to use both. Don’t restrict yourself to solely online or offline because you can easily miss out on potential real estate leads that way.

Your Real Estate Website

Having a professional, well-built website is probably one of the most important marketing tools you could have. It’s where you can nurture and house important information for customers to see. It’s a platform for potential customers to learn more about who you are and what you can do for them.


Personal branding is essential for every real estate investor. It helps to build trust and give a great first impression for potential customers visiting your website. It inevitable that they will visit your website, whether they’re coming in from search marketing, social media, direct mail, or simply seeing your business card.

Search Marketing

In order to drive traffic to your website through the online web, you will need to utilize search engine optimization and paid search advertisements with AdWords. When potential customers are searching on Google, you want to be the website link that they click on!


To optimize search engine optimization and paid search advertisements, be sure to utilize relevant, high searching keywords for your web pages to rank. For example, if you’re selling a downtown one-bedroom condo suite that’s perfect for working individuals, then you should be utilizing keywords that explain those important points!

Social Media

To further build your personal branding, social media is crucial! Did you know that 2.23 billion people log into Facebook every month? Instagram? Well, there are over 500 million users logging in each and every day!


It’s safe for me to say that social media is a platform that every real estate investor should be on. They’re free to set up, so why not just do it?

Direct Mail

Having mail and flyers being sent directly to homes is a great way to personally target customers. Though it may seem old school, it’s still extremely effective! In fact, 80-90 percent of direct mail in the United States gets opened!


With these flyers, you can also hand them out at networking events as additional marketing material.

Networking Events

There’s nothing like speaking to people face to face about your real estate business. It’s easier to build a relationship in person than through an online marketing tool!


I still encourage you to attend real estate networking events and host open houses to meet your potential customers! At these events, you can even hand out your marketing materials and business cards for them to view your online marketing tools. That’s the beauty of multi-channel marketing!

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